Class Folder (Outlook VBA)

The class Folder represents an Outlook folder.

The classes AddressList, AppointmentItem, CalendarSharing, ContactItem, Conversation, DistListItem, DocumentItem, ExchangeDistributionList, ExchangeUser, Explorer, Folders, JournalItem, MailItem, MeetingItem ... give access to class FolderMoveOrCopyRuleAction, NameSpace, NavigationFolder, NoteItem, PostItem, RemoteItem, ReportItem, Search, SharingItem, Store, TaskItem, TaskRequestAcceptItem, TaskRequestDeclineItem, TaskRequestItem, TaskRequestUpdateItem.

Dim fld as Folder
Set fld = Session.CreateSharingItem.Move()


AddToPFFavorites - Adds a Microsoft Exchange public folder to the public folder's Favorites folder.

CopyTo - Copies the current folder in its entirety to the destination folder.

Delete - Deletes an object from the collection.

Display - Displays a new Explorer object for the folder.

GetCalendarExporter - Creates a CalendarSharing object for the specified Folder.

GetCustomIcon - Returns an IPictureDisp object that represents the custom icon for the folder.

GetExplorer - Returns an Explorer object that represents a new, inactive Explorer object initialized with the specified folder as the current folder.

GetStorage - Gets a StorageItem object on the parent Folder to store data for an Outlook solution.

GetTable - Obtains a Table object that contains items filtered by Filter.

MoveTo - Moves a folder to the specified destination folder.

SetCustomIcon - Sets a custom icon that is specified by Picture for the folder.


AddressBookName returns or sets a String that indicates the Address Book name for the Folder object representing a Contacts folder.

Class returns an OlObjectClass constant indicating the object's class.

CurrentView returns a View object representing the current view.

CustomViewsOnly returns or sets a Boolean that determines which views are displayed on the View menu for a given folder.

DefaultItemType returns a constant from the OlItemType enumeration indicating the default Outlook item type contained in the folder.

DefaultMessageClass returns a String representing the default message class for items in the folder.

Description returns or sets a String representing the description of the folder.

EntryID returns a String representing the unique Entry ID of the object.

FolderPath returns a String that indicates the path of the current folder.

Folders returns the Folders collection that represents all the folders contained in the specified Folder.

InAppFolderSyncObject returns or sets a Boolean that determines if the specified folder will be synchronized with the email server.

IsSharePointFolder returns a Boolean that determines if the folder is a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation folder.

Items returns an Items collection object as a collection of Outlook items in the specified folder.

Name returns or sets a String value that represents the display name for the object.

PropertyAccessor returns a PropertyAccessor object that supports creating, getting, setting, and deleting properties of the parent Folder object.

Session returns the NameSpace object for the current session.

ShowAsOutlookAB returns or sets a Boolean variable that specifies whether the contact items folder will be displayed as an address list in the Outlook Address Book.

ShowItemCount sets or returns a constant in the OlShowItemCount enumeration that indicates whether to display the number of unread messages in the folder or the total number of items in the folder in the navigation pane.

Store returns a Store object representing the store that contains the Folder object.

StoreID returns a String indicating the store ID for the folder.

UnReadItemCount returns a Long indicating the number of unread items in the folder.

UserDefinedProperties returns a UserDefinedProperties object that represents the user-defined custom properties for the Folder object.

Views returns the Views collection object of the Folder object.

WebViewOn returns or sets a Boolean indicating the Web view state for a folder.

WebViewURL returns or sets a String indicating the URL of the webpage that is assigned to a folder.

CalendarSharing - Represents a set of utilities for sharing calendar information.

Explorer - Represents the window in which the contents of a folder are displayed.

Folders - Contains a set of Folder objects that represent all the available Outlook folders in a specific subset at one level of the folder tree.

Items - Contains a collection of Outlook item objects in a folder.

NameSpace - Represents an abstract root object for any data source.

PropertyAccessor - Provides the ability to create, get, set, and delete properties on objects.

StorageItem - A message object in MAPI that is always saved as a hidden item in the parent folder and stores private data for Outlook solutions.

Store - Represents a file on the local computer or a network drive that stores email messages and other items for an account in the current profile.

Table - Represents a set of item data from a Folder or Search object, with items as rows of the table and properties as columns of the table.

UserDefinedProperties - Contains a set of UserDefinedProperty objects representing the user-defined properties defined for a Folder object.

View - Represents a customizable view used to sort, group, and view data.

Views - Contains a collection of all View objects in the current folder.