Class Conversation (Outlook VBA)

The class Conversation represents a conversation that includes one or more items stored in one or more folders and stores.

The classes AppointmentItem, ContactItem, ConversationHeader, DistListItem, JournalItem, MailItem, MeetingItem, PostItem, RemoteItem, ReportItem, Selection, SharingItem, TaskItem, TaskRequestAcceptItem ... give access to class ConversationTaskRequestDeclineItem, TaskRequestItem, TaskRequestUpdateItem.

Dim cnv as Conversation
Set cnv = ActiveExplorer.Selection(Index:=1)


ClearAlwaysAssignCategories - Removes all categories from all items in the conversation and stops the action of always assigning categories to items in the conversation.

GetAlwaysAssignCategories - Returns a String that indicates the category or categories that are assigned to all new items that arrive in the conversation.

GetAlwaysDelete - Returns a constant in the OlAlwaysDeleteConversation enumeration that indicates whether all new items that join the conversation are always moved to the Deleted Items folder in the specified delivery store.

GetAlwaysMoveToFolder - Returns a Folder object that indicates the folder in the specified delivery store to which new items that arrive in the conversation are always moved.

GetChildren - Returns a SimpleItems collection that contains all items under the specified conversation node.

GetParent - Returns the parent item of the specified node in the conversation.

GetRootItems - Returns a SimpleItems collection that contains all root items in the conversation.

GetTable - Returns a Table object that contains rows that represent all items in the conversation.

MarkAsRead - Marks all items in the conversation as read.

MarkAsUnread - Marks all items in the conversation as unread.

SetAlwaysAssignCategories - Applies one or more categories to all existing items and future items of the conversation.

SetAlwaysDelete - Specifies a setting for the specified delivery store that indicates whether all existing items and all new items that arrive in the conversation are always moved to the Deleted Items folder in the specified delivery store.

SetAlwaysMoveToFolder - Sets a Folder object that indicates the folder to which all existing conversation items and new items that arrive in the conversation are always moved.

StopAlwaysDelete - Stops the action of always moving conversation items in the specified store to the Deleted Items folder in that store.

StopAlwaysMoveToFolder - Stops the action of always moving conversation items in the specified store to a specific folder.


Class returns an OlObjectClass constant that indicates the object's class.

ConversationID returns a String that uniquely identifies a Conversation object.

Session returns the NameSpace object for the current session.

Folder - Represents an Outlook folder.

NameSpace - Represents an abstract root object for any data source.

SimpleItems - Represents a set of possibly heterogeneous Microsoft Outlook items, with each member in the set tracking only a small, common set of properties that apply to Outlook items in general.

Table - Represents a set of item data from a Folder or Search object, with items as rows of the table and properties as columns of the table.