Class Store (Outlook VBA)

The class Store represents a file on the local computer or a network drive that stores email messages and other items for an account in the current profile.

The classes Account, Folder and NameSpace. give access to class Store

Dim str as Store
Set str = Session.DefaultStore

For Each

Here is an example of processing the Store items in a collection.

Dim str As Store
For Each str In Stores
Next str


CreateUnifiedGroup - Enables a unified group to be created.

DeleteUnifiedGroup - Enables a unified group to be deleted.

GetDefaultFolder - Returns a Folder object that represents the default folder in the store and that is of the type specified by the FolderType argument.

GetRootFolder - Returns a Folder object representing the root-level folder of the Store.

GetRules - Returns a Rules collection object that contains the Rule objects defined for the current session.

GetSearchFolders - Returns a Folders collection object that represents the search folders defined for the Store object.

GetSpecialFolder - Returns a Folder object for a special folder specified by FolderType in a given store.

RefreshQuotaDisplay - Refreshes the store quota information that is displayed in the status bar in the explorer window.


Categories returns a Categories collection that represents all of the categories that are defined for the Store.

Class returns an OlObjectClass constant indicating the object's class.

DisplayName returns a String representing the display name of the Store object.

ExchangeStoreType returns a constant in the OlExchangeStoreType enumeration that indicates the type of an Exchange store.

FilePath returns a String representing the full file path for a Personal Folders File (.pst) or an Offline Folder File (.ost) store.

IsCachedExchange returns a Boolean that indicates if the Store is a cached Exchange store.

IsConversationEnabled returns a Boolean value that is True if the store supports Conversation view.

IsDataFileStore returns a Boolean that indicates if the Store is a store for an Outlook data file, which is either a Personal Folders File (.pst) or an Offline Folder File (.ost).

IsInstantSearchEnabled returns a Boolean that indicates whether Instant Search is enabled and operational on a store.

IsOpen returns a Boolean that indicates if the Store is open.

PropertyAccessor returns a PropertyAccessor object that supports creating, getting, setting, and deleting properties of the parent Store object.

Session returns the NameSpace object for the current session.

StoreID returns a String identifying the Store.

Categories - Represents the collection of Category objects that define the Master Category List for a namespace.

Folder - Represents an Outlook folder.

Folders - Contains a set of Folder objects that represent all the available Outlook folders in a specific subset at one level of the folder tree.

NameSpace - Represents an abstract root object for any data source.

PropertyAccessor - Provides the ability to create, get, set, and delete properties on objects.

Rules - Represents a set of Rule objects that are the rules available in the current session.