Class Explorer (Outlook VBA)

The class Explorer represents the window in which the contents of a folder are displayed.

The classes Application and Folder. give access to class Explorer

Dim exp as Explorer
Set exp = ActiveExplorer()

For Each

Here is an example of processing the Explorer items in a collection.

Dim exp As Explorer
For Each exp In Explorers
Next exp


AddToSelection - Adds the specified Microsoft Outlook item to the selection in the active explorer.

ClearSearch - Clears results from a Microsoft Instant Search in an Explorer if results are displayed in the Explorer.

ClearSelection - Cancels any selection in the active explorer.

Display - Displays a new Explorer object for the folder.

IsItemSelectableInView - Returns a value that indicates whether the specified Microsoft Outlook item can be selected in the current view of the active explorer.

IsPaneVisible - Returns a Boolean indicating whether a specific explorer pane is visible.

RemoveFromSelection - Cancels the selection of the specified Microsoft Outlook item in the active explorer.

Search - Performs a Microsoft Instant Search on the current folder displayed in the Explorer using the given Query.

SelectAllItems - Selects all items that are contained in the current view of the active explorer.

ShowPane - Displays or hides a specific pane in the explorer.


AccountSelector returns an AccountSelector object that represents the Microsoft Office Backstage view for the Explorer object.

ActiveInlineResponse returns an item object representing the active inline response item in the explorer reading pane.

ActiveInlineResponseWordEditor returns the Word Document object of the active inline response that is displayed in the explorer Reading Pane.

AttachmentSelection returns an AttachmentSelection object consisting of one or more attachments that are selected in the current view of the explorer.

Caption returns a String representing the title.

Class returns an OlObjectClass constant indicating the object's class.

CurrentFolder returns or sets a Folder object that represents the current folder displayed in the explorer.

CurrentView returns or sets a Variant representing the current view.

DisplayMode indicates the display mode: Normal, Portrait View, or Portrait Reading Pane.

Height returns or sets a Long specifying the height (in pixels) of the explorer window.

HTMLDocument returns an HTMLDocument object that specifies the HTML object model associated with the HTML document in the current view (assuming one exists).

Left returns or sets a Long specifying the position (in pixels) of the left vertical edge of an explorer window from the edge of the screen.

NavigationPane returns a NavigationPane object that represents the navigation pane for an Explorer object.

Panes returns a Panes collection object representing the panes displayed by the specified explorer.

PreviewPane the PreviewPane object displays content in a "single pane mode" by showing only the Preview Pane view.

Selection returns a Selection object that contains the item or items that are selected in the explorer window.

Session returns the NameSpace object for the current session.

Top returns or sets a Long indicating the position (in pixels) of the top horizontal edge of an explorer window from the edge of the screen.

Width returns or sets a Long indicating the width (in pixels) of the specified object.

WindowState returns or sets the property with a constant in the OlWindowState enumeration specifying the window state of an explorer or inspector window.

AccountSelector - Provides the ability to obtain the account that is selected in the Microsoft Office Backstage view for the parent Explorer object.

AttachmentSelection - Contains a set of Attachment objects that represent the selected attachments in an Outlook item.

Folder - Represents an Outlook folder.

NameSpace - Represents an abstract root object for any data source.

NavigationPane - Represents the navigation pane displayed by the active Explorer object.

Panes - Contains the panes displayed by the specified Explorer.

PreviewPane - Displays content in a "single pane mode" by showing only the Preview Pane view.

Selection - Contains the set of Outlook items currently selected in an explorer.

View - Represents a customizable view used to sort, group, and view data.