Class FootnoteOptions (Word VBA)

The class FootnoteOptions represents the properties assigned to a range or selection of footnotes in a document. To use a FootnoteOptions class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example

Dim fos as FootnoteOptions
Set fos = Selection.FootnoteOptions


Returns or sets the way footnotes are laid out in columns when the section containing the reference mark has multiple columns. Read-Write Long.

Selection.FootnoteOptions.LayoutColumns =


Returns or sets the position of all footnotes. Possible return values are wdBeneathText - Beneath current text, wdBottomOfPage - At bottom of current page.

ActiveDocument.Footnotes.Location = wdBottomOfPage


Returns or sets the way footnotes or endnotes are numbered after page breaks or section breaks. Possible return values are wdRestartContinuous - Numbers are assigned continuously, wdRestartPage - Numbers are reset for each page, wdRestartSection - Numbers are reset for each section.

Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Range 
If myRange.Footnotes.NumberingRule = wdRestartSection Then 
 myRange.Footnotes.NumberingRule = wdRestartPage 
End If


Returns or sets the number style for the footnotes. Here you can find possible values for WdNoteNumberStyle.

Some of the WdNoteNumberStyle constants may not be available to you, depending on the language support (U.S. English, for example) that you've selected or installed.

Selection.FootnoteOptions.NumberStyle = wdNoteNumberStyleArabic


Returns or sets the starting footnote number.

Selection.FootnoteOptions.StartingNumber =