Class ProtectedViewWindow (PowerPoint VBA)

The class ProtectedViewWindow represents a presentation window that is in protected view.

Class Application gives access to class ProtectedViewWindow.

Dim pvw as ProtectedViewWindow
Set pvw = ActiveProtectedViewWindow


Activate - Activates the specified window.

Close - Closes the specified window.

Edit - Changes the password of the ProtectedViewWindow object.


Caption (Default member) - Returns the text that appears in the title bar of the specified window.

Active returns whether the specified window is active.

Height returns or sets the height of the specified object, in points.

Left returns or sets the distance in points from the left edge of the specified window to the left edge of the application window's client area.

Presentation returns a Presentation object that represents the presentation in which the specified window was created.

SourceName returns the source name of the current ProtectedViewWindow object.

SourcePath returns the source path of the current ProtectedViewWindow object.

Top returns or sets the distance in points from the top edge of the specified window to the top edge of the application window's client area.

Width returns or sets the width of the specified object, in points.

WindowState returns or sets the state of the specified window.

Presentation - Represents a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.