Using the Access application menu
The Application menu is a special version of the Object menu to the left of it. Because MS Access is not a document based application, the standard Application object menu is topped with a set of functionalities specific for MS Access, the main subject of this page - see animation below. At the bottom the menu gives access to Methods, Properties and Related Classes from the Application object.

Access Form Menu
The first item in the Access menu concerns the commonly used operations on Forms.
Code for closing a Form can be inserted in one movement through the menu: even which form (Name) is to be inserted can simply be selected there.

With the complementary task of opening a form the Code VBA Method Builder opens to allow chosing values for the additional arguments. In the screenshot below, the default value for View (acNormal - indicated by the round brackets)) is replaced with the acFormDS (Datasheet view), selected from a list of alternative values. Note the resulting code preview pane showing what will be inserted.

You may want to apply to the form some actions given the context from which you opened the form, for example which button was used.
In such case you may want to assign the form to a variable. For this you can use the Screen.ActiveForm
(or ActiveDatasheet
) procedure. Note that the tooltip previews the code and explains what it will do
-pointing to F1 as a means of getting additional info.
After having assigned the active for to a variable, you can now access it from the Object menu to work with.
The menu elements here dupplicate the ones that can be found under menu 'Screen'. There, as an alternative to declaring and setting a variable, you can work on the Screen.ActiveForm and its children directly.