Access VBA - MS Access programming knowledge and productivity

To see Code VBA add-in in action when coding in Access visit Send an email to multiple recipients using MS Access and Outlook.

Code VBA tools on Access VBA:

  • Insert complete blocks of code intelligently linking to the code already present, automatically adding well named variables and explicit arguments
  • Tooltips show the description of the procedure and the code that will be inserted when clicked.
  • Support for programmatic database access using ACE, DAO, ADO and the Recordset Builder.
  • Insert block of code for getting or setting the values of fields (Name » Table » [tablename] » Get/Set field values)
  • Insert SQL string with fields for SQL Add and Update (Name » Table » [tablename] » Comma separated fields string)
  • Tools such as the SQL VBA builder and Generate class from table
  • Get direct access to the Office documentation on the MS Access classes
  • Access all features from the menu without leaving the keyboard using Alt-C followed by mnemonic keys.

Access VBA requires Code VBA to which it is and add-on. Below pages illustrate a few fragments.

Access VBA in action