Selection.MoveUntil (Word)

Moves the specified selection until one of the specified characters is found in the document.

This method returns the number of characters by which the specified selection was moved, as a Long value. If Count is greater than 0 (zero), this method returns the number of characters moved plus one. If Count is less than 0 (zero), this method returns the number of characters moved minus one. If no Cset characters are found, the selection isn't not changed and the method returns 0 (zero).

MoveUntil (Cset, Count)

x = Selection.MoveUntil(Cset:=Chr$(13), Count:=wdForward) 
MsgBox x-1 & " character positions were moved"


The following argument is required

Cset (String) - One or more characters. If any character in Cset is found before the Count value expires, the specified selection is positioned as an insertion point immediately before that character. This argument is case-sensitive.

Optional arguments

The following argument is optional

Count (Long) - The maximum number of characters by which the specified selection is to be moved. Can be a number or either the wdForward or wdBackward constant. If Count is a positive number, the selection is moved forward in the document, beginning at the end position. If it is a negative number, the selection is moved backward, beginning at the start position. The default value is wdForward.