Range.TwoLinesInOne (Word)

Returns or sets whether Microsoft Word sets two lines of text in one and specifies the characters that enclose the text, if any. Possible return values are wdTwoLinesInOneAngleBrackets - Enclose the lines using angle brackets, wdTwoLinesInOneCurlyBrackets - Enclose the lines using curly brackets, wdTwoLinesInOneNoBrackets - Use no enclosing character, wdTwoLinesInOneNone - Restore the two lines of text written into one to two separate lines, wdTwoLinesInOneParentheses - Enclose the lines using parentheses, wdTwoLinesInOneSquareBrackets - Enclose the lines using square brackets.

Setting the TwoLinesInOne property to wdTwoLinesInOneNoBrackets sets two lines of text in one without enclosing the text in any characters. Setting the TwoLinesInOne property to wdTwoLinesInOneNone restores a line of combined text to two separate lines.

Selection.Range.TwoLinesInOne = _ 