Class OMathNary (Word VBA)

The class OMathNary represents the mathematical n-ary object, consisting of an n-ary object, a base (or operand), and optional upper limits and lower limits. To use a OMathNary class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example


Returns or sets an Integer that represents a character used as the n-ary operator.

Dim omn As OMathNary: Set omn =  
omn.Char =


Returns an OMath object that represents the base of the specified equation object.

Dim omn As OMathNary: Set omn =  
Dim omhE As OMath
Set omhE = omn.E


Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether n-ary operators grow to the full height of the arguments that they contain.

Dim omn As OMathNary: Set omn =  
omn.Grow = True


Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to hide the lower limit of an n-ary operator.

Dim omn As OMathNary: Set omn =  
omn.HideSub = True


Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to hide the upper limit of an n-ary operator.

Dim omn As OMathNary: Set omn =  
omn.HideSup = True


Returns an OMath object that represents the lower limit of an n-ary operator.

Dim omn As OMathNary: Set omn =  
Dim omhSub As OMath
Set omhSub = omn.Sub


Returns or sets a Boolean that represents the positioning of n-ary limits in the subscript-superscript or upper limit-lower limit position.

Dim omn As OMathNary: Set omn =  
omn.SubSupLim = True


Returns an OMath object that represents the upper limit of an n-ary operator.

Dim omn As OMathNary: Set omn =  
Dim omhSup As OMath
Set omhSup = omn.Sup