Class Inspector (Outlook VBA)

The class Inspector represents the window in which an Outlook item is displayed.

The classes Application, AppointmentItem, ContactItem, DistListItem, DocumentItem, FormRegion, JournalItem, MailItem, MeetingItem, NoteItem, PostItem, RemoteItem, ReportItem, SharingItem ... give access to class InspectorTaskItem, TaskRequestAcceptItem, TaskRequestDeclineItem, TaskRequestItem, TaskRequestUpdateItem.

Dim ins as Inspector
Set ins = ActiveInspector()

For Each

Here is an example of processing the Inspector items in a collection.

Dim ins As Inspector
For Each ins In Inspectors
Next ins


Display - Displays a new Inspector object for the item.

HideFormPage - Hides a form page or a form region in the inspector.

IsWordMail - Determines whether the mail message associated with an inspector is displayed in an Outlook Inspector or in Microsoft Word.

NewFormRegion - Opens a new page in design mode in the inspector for a new form region.

OpenFormRegion - Opens a page in design mode in the inspector for the specified form region.

SaveFormRegion - Saves the specified page in design mode in the inspector to the specified file.

SetControlItemProperty - Binds a built-in property or custom property to a control in an inspector.

SetCurrentFormPage - Displays the specified form page or form region in the inspector.

SetSchedulingStartTime - Sets the start time for a meeting item in the free/busy grid on the Scheduling Assistant tab of the inspector.

ShowFormPage - Displays a button in the Show group of the Microsoft Office Fluent ribbon for the inspector, clicking which shows the page or form region specified by PageName.


AttachmentSelection returns an AttachmentSelection object consisting of one or more attachments that are selected in the inspector.

Caption returns a String representing the title.

Class returns an OlObjectClass constant indicating the object's class.

CurrentItem returns an Object representing the current item being displayed in the inspector.

EditorType returns an OlEditorType constant indicating the type of editor.

Height returns or sets a Long specifying the height (in pixels) of the inspector window.

Left returns or sets a Long specifying the position (in pixels) of the left vertical edge of an inspector window from the edge of the screen.

ModifiedFormPages returns the Pages collection that represents all the pages for the item in the inspector. Read-only.

Session returns the NameSpace object for the current session.

Top returns or sets a Long indicating the position (in pixels) of the top horizontal edge of an inspector window from the edge of the screen.

Width returns or sets a Long indicating the width (in pixels) of the specified object.

WindowState returns or sets the property with a constant in the OlWindowState enumeration specifying the window state of an explorer or inspector window.

WordEditor returns the Microsoft Word Document Object Model of the message being displayed.

AttachmentSelection - Contains a set of Attachment objects that represent the selected attachments in an Outlook item.

NameSpace - Represents an abstract root object for any data source.

Pages - Contains pages that represent the pages of an Inspector window.