Delete files using the Kill statement
In most common cases deleting a file is simple ...
Kill "C:\temp\file1.txt"
If the file does not exist you will get error 53 File not found
If this may be the case you can check its existence first:
Dim dtYesterday As Date
dtYesterday = DateAdd(Interval:="d", Number:=-1, Date:=Date)
you can also delete multiple files with one Kill statement using multiple-character (*) and single-character (?) wildcards.
Kill "C:\temp\*.txt"
Finally, Kill does not delete read-only file. If this may be the case, first change the file property to normal.
If Len(Dir$(strFile)) > 0 Then
SetAttr strFile, vbNormal
Kill strFile
End If
Code fragments for the above approaches are included in the Code VBA add-in, see below.