
This page presents procedures from class WorksheetFunction related to the theme Information

IsErr - Checks the type of value and returns True or False depending on whether the value refers to any error value except #N/A.

IsError - Checks the type of value and returns True or False depending on whether the value refers to any error value (#N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME?, or #NULL!).

IsFormula - Checks whether a reference is to a cell containing a formula, and returns True or False.

IsLogical - Checks the type of value and returns True or False depending on whether the value refers to a logical value.

IsNA - Checks the type of value and returns True or False depending on whether the value refers to the #N/A (value not available) error value.

IsNonText - Checks the type of value and returns True or False depending on whether the value refers to any item that is not text. (Note that this function returns True if value refers to a blank cell.

IsNumber - Checks the type of value and returns True or False depending on whether the value refers to a number.

IsText - Checks the type of value and returns True or False depending on whether the value refers to text.