Class Zooms (Word VBA)

A collection of Zoom objects that represents the magnification options for each view (such as outline, normal, or print layout). To use a Zooms class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example

For Each

Here is an example of processing the Zooms items in a collection.

Dim pan As Pane: Set pan = 
Dim zoo As Zoom
For Each zoo In pan.Zooms
	With zoo
	End With
Next zoo


Returns the specified Zoom object.

Item (Index)

Index: The specified zoom type.

Dim zms As Zooms: Set zms =  
Dim zoo As Zoom
Set zoo = zms(Index:=1)


Returns the specified Zoom object.

Item (Index)

Index: The specified zoom type.

Dim zms As Zooms: Set zms =  
Dim zoo As Zoom
Set zoo = zms(Index:=1)