Class Version (Word VBA)

The class Version represents a single version of a document. The Version object is a member of the Versions collection. The Versions collection includes all the versions of the specified document. To use a Version class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example


Returns the comment associated with the specified version of a document.

If ActiveDocument.Versions.Count >= 1 Then 
 MsgBox Prompt:=ActiveDocument.Versions(1).Comment, _ 
 Title:="First Version Comment" 
End If


The date and time that the document version was saved.

Dim docActive As Document 
Set docActive = ActiveDocument 


Deletes the specified version.

Dim vrs As Version: Set vrs =  


Returns a Long that represents the position of an item in a collection.

Dim vrs As Version: Set vrs =  
Dim lngIndex As Long
lngIndex = vrs.Index


Opens the specified version of a document. Returns a Document object representing the opened document.

Sub OpenVersion() 
 Dim mydoc As Document 
 Set mydoc = Documents.Open("C:\MyFiles\Report.doc") 
 If mydoc.Versions.Count > 0 Then 
 MsgBox "There are no saved versions for this document." 
 End If 
End Sub


Returns the name of the user who saved the specified version of the document.

If ActiveDocument.Versions.Count >= 1 Then 
 MsgBox ActiveDocument.Versions(1).SavedBy 
End If