Class Shapes (Word VBA)

A collection of Shape objects that represent all the shapes in a document or all the shapes in all the headers and footers in a document. Each Shape object represents an object in the drawing layer, such as an AutoShape, freeform, OLE object, or picture.

The classes Chart, Document and HeaderFooter. give access to class Shapes

Dim shps as Shapes
Set shps = Selection.HeaderFooter.Shapes


Add3DModel - Adds a 3D model to a drawing canvas. Returns a Shape object that represents the 3D model and adds it to the CanvasShapes collection.

AddCallout - Adds a borderless line callout to a drawing canvas.

AddCanvas - Adds a drawing canvas to a document. Returns a Shape object that represents the drawing canvas and adds it to the Shapes collection.

AddChart2 - Adds a chart to the document. Returns a Shape object that represents a chart and adds it to the specified collection.

AddCurve - Returns a Shape object that represents a Bézier curve in a drawing canvas.

AddLabel - Adds a text label to a drawing canvas.

AddLine - Adds a line to a drawing canvas.

AddOLEControl - Creates an ActiveX control (formerly known as an OLE control). Returns the InlineShape object that represents the new ActiveX control.

AddOLEObject - Creates an OLE object. Returns the InlineShape object that represents the new OLE object.

AddPicture - Adds a picture to a drawing canvas. Returns a Shape object that represents the picture and adds it to the CanvasShapes collection.

AddPolyline - Adds an open or closed polygon to a drawing canvas. Returns a Shape object that represents the polygon and adds it to the CanvasShapes collection.

AddShape - Adds an AutoShape to a document. Returns a Shape object that represents the AutoShape and adds it to the Shapes collection.

AddSmartArt - Inserts the specified SmartArt graphic into the active document.

AddTextbox - Adds a text box to a drawing canvas.

AddTextEffect - Adds a WordArt shape to a drawing canvas. Returns a Shape object that represents the WordArt and adds it to the CanvasShapes collection.

AddWebVideo - Adds a new web video to the document.

BuildFreeform - Builds a freeform object.

Item - Returns an individual Shape object in a collection.

Range - Returns a ShapeRange object that represents the shapes within a range.

SelectAll - Selects all the shapes in a collection of shapes.


Count returns a Long that represents the number of shapes in the collection.