Class Paragraph (Word VBA)

The class Paragraph represents a single paragraph in a selection, range, or document. The Paragraph object is a member of the Paragraphs collection. The Paragraphs collection includes all the paragraphs in a selection, range, or document.

Dim prg as Paragraph
Set prg = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(Index:=1)

For Each

Here is an example of processing the Paragraph items in a collection.

 Dim pgh As Paragraph 
 For Each pgh In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs 
 If pgh.IsStyleSeparator = True Then 
     Selection.Style = "Normal" 
 End If 
 Next pgh


CloseUp - Removes any spacing before the specified paragraph.

Indent - Indents one or more paragraphs by one level.

IndentCharWidth - Indents a paragraphs by a specified number of characters.

IndentFirstLineCharWidth - Indents the first line of one or more paragraphs by a specified number of characters.

JoinList - Joins a list paragraph with the closest list above or below the specified paragraph.

ListAdvanceTo - Sets the list levels for a paragraph in a list.

Next - Returns a Paragraph object that represents the next paragraph.

OpenOrCloseUp - Toggles the spacing before a paragraph.

OpenUp - Sets spacing before the specified paragraphs to 12 points.

Outdent - Removes one level of indent for one or more paragraphs.

OutlineDemote - Applies the next heading level style (Heading 1 through Heading 8) to the specified paragraph or paragraphs.

OutlineDemoteToBody - Demotes the specified paragraph to body text by applying the Normal style.

OutlinePromote - Applies the previous heading level style (Heading 1 through Heading 8) to the specified paragraph or paragraphs.

Previous - Returns the previous paragraph as a Paragraph object.

Reset - Removes manual paragraph formatting (formatting not applied using a style).

ResetAdvanceTo - Resets a paragraph that uses custom list levels to the original level settings.

SelectNumber - Selects the number or bullet in a list.

SeparateList - Separates a list into two separate lists. For numbered lists, the new list restarts numbering at the starting number, usually 1.

Space1 - Single-spaces the specified paragraphs.

Space15 - Formats the specified paragraphs with 1.5-line spacing.

Space2 - Double-spaces the specified paragraphs.

TabHangingIndent - Sets a hanging indent to a specified number of tab stops.

TabIndent - Sets the left indent for the specified paragraphs to a specified number of tab stops.


Range (Default member) - Returns a Range object that represents the portion of a document that is contained within the specified paragraph.

AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha true if Microsoft Word is set to automatically add spaces between Japanese and Latin text for the specified paragraphs. This property returns wdUndefined if it's set to True for only some of the specified paragraphs.

AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit true if Microsoft Word is set to automatically add spaces between Japanese text and numbers for the specified paragraphs. This property returns wdUndefined if it's set to True for only some of the specified paragraphs.

Alignment returns or sets a WdParagraphAlignment constant that represents the alignment for the specified paragraphs.

AutoAdjustRightIndent true if Microsoft Word is set to automatically adjust the right indent for the specified paragraphs if you've specified a set number of characters per line. Returns wdUndefined if the AutoAdjustRightIndent property is set to True for only some of the specified paragraphs.

BaseLineAlignment returns or sets a WdBaselineAlignment constant that represents the vertical position of fonts on a line.

Borders returns a Borders collection that represents all the borders for the specified paragraph.

CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent returns or sets the value (in characters) for a first-line or hanging indent. Use a positive value to set a first-line indent, and use a negative value to set a hanging indent.

CharacterUnitLeftIndent returns or sets the left indent value (in characters) for the specified paragraphs.

CharacterUnitRightIndent returns or sets the right indent value (in characters) for the specified paragraphs.

CollapsedState returns or sets whether the specified paragraph is currently in a collapsed state.

CollapseHeadingByDefault returns or sets whether the specified paragraph is collapsed by default when the document loads.

DisableLineHeightGrid true if Microsoft Word aligns characters in the specified paragraphs to the line grid when a set number of lines per page is specified. Returns wdUndefined if the DisableLineHeightGrid property is set to True for only some of the specified paragraphs.

DropCap returns a DropCap object that represents a dropped capital letter for the specified paragraph.

FarEastLineBreakControl true if Microsoft Word applies East Asian line-breaking rules to the specified paragraphs. Returns wdUndefined if the FarEastLineBreakControl property is set to True for only some of the specified paragraphs.

FirstLineIndent returns or sets the value (in points) for a first line or hanging indent. Use a positive value to set a first-line indent, and use a negative value to set a hanging indent.

Format returns or sets a ParagraphFormat object that represents the formatting of the specified paragraph or paragraphs.

HalfWidthPunctuationOnTopOfLine true if Microsoft Word changes punctuation symbols at the beginning of a line to half-width characters for the specified paragraphs. This property returns wdUndefined if it's set to True for only some of the specified paragraphs.

HangingPunctuation true if hanging punctuation is enabled for the specified paragraphs. This property returns wdUndefined if it's set to True for only some of the specified paragraphs.

Hyphenation true if the specified paragraphs are included in automatic hyphenation. False if the specified paragraphs are to be excluded from automatic hyphenation.

ID returns or sets the identifying label for the specified object when the current document is saved as a webpage.

IsStyleSeparator true if a paragraph contains a special hidden paragraph mark that allows Microsoft Word to appear to join paragraphs of different paragraph styles.

KeepTogether true if all lines in the specified paragraph remain on the same page when Microsoft Word repaginates the document.

KeepWithNext true if the specified paragraph remains on the same page as the paragraph that follows it when Microsoft Word repaginates the document.

LeftIndent returns or sets a Single that represents the left indent value (in points) for the specified paragraph.

LineSpacing returns or sets the line spacing (in points) for the specified paragraphs.

LineSpacingRule returns or sets the line spacing for the specified paragraph.

LineUnitAfter returns or sets the amount of spacing (in gridlines) after the specified paragraph.

LineUnitBefore returns or sets the amount of spacing (in gridlines) before the specified paragraph.

ListNumberOriginal returns an Integer that represents the original list level for a paragraph.

MirrorIndents returns or sets a Long that represents whether left and right indents are the same width. Can be True, False, or wdUndefined.

NoLineNumber true if line numbers are repressed for the specified paragraph.

OutlineLevel returns or sets the outline level for the specified paragraph.

PageBreakBefore true if a page break is forced before the specified paragraphs.

ReadingOrder returns or sets the reading order of the specified paragraph without changing the alignment.

RightIndent returns or sets the right indent (in points) for the specified paragraph.

Shading returns a Shading object that refers to the shading formatting for the specified paragraph.

SpaceAfter returns or sets the amount of spacing (in points) after the specified paragraph or text column.

SpaceAfterAuto true if Microsoft Word automatically sets the amount of spacing after the specified paragraphs.

SpaceBefore returns or sets the spacing (in points) before the specified paragraphs.

SpaceBeforeAuto true if Microsoft Word automatically sets the amount of spacing before the specified paragraphs.

Style returns or sets the style for the specified style. Read/write Variant.

TabStops returns or sets a TabStops collection that represents all the custom tab stops for the specified paragraph.

TextboxTightWrap returns or sets a WdTextboxTightWrap constant that represents how tightly text wraps around shapes or text boxes.

WidowControl true if the first and last lines in the specified paragraph remain on the same page as the rest of the paragraph when Word repaginates the document.

WordWrap true if Microsoft Word wraps Latin text in the middle of a word in the specified paragraphs or text frames.

Borders - A collection of Border objects that represent the borders of an object.

DropCap - Represents a dropped capital letter at the beginning of a paragraph. There is no DropCaps collection; each Paragraph object contains only one DropCap object.

ParagraphFormat - Represents all the formatting for a paragraph.

Range - Represents a contiguous area in a document. Each Range object is defined by a starting and ending character position.

Shading - Contains shading attributes for an object.

Style - Represents a single built-in or user-defined style. The Style object includes style attributes (such as font, font style, and paragraph spacing) as properties of the Style object. The Style object is a member of the Styles collection. The Styles collection includes all the styles in the specified document.

TabStops - A collection of TabStop objects that represent the custom and default tabs for a paragraph or group of paragraphs.