Class OMathPhantom (Word VBA)

The class OMathPhantom represents a phantom object, which has two primary uses: (1) adding the spacing of the phantom base without displaying that base or (2) suppressing part of the glyph from spacing considerations. To use a OMathPhantom class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example


Returns an OMath object that represents the base of the specified equation object.

Dim omp As OMathPhantom: Set omp =  
Dim omhE As OMath
Set omhE = omp.E


Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether the contents of a phantom object are visible.

Dim omp As OMathPhantom: Set omp =  
omp.Show = True


Returns or sets a Boolean that represents that the contents of the phantom are visible but that the height is not taken into account in the spacing of the layout.

If this property is True, the ZeroAsc, ZeroDesc, and Show properties are all set to True.

Dim omp As OMathPhantom: Set omp =  
omp.Smash = True


Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether a phantom object is transparent.

Dim omp As OMathPhantom: Set omp =  
omp.Transp = True


Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether the ascent of the phantom contents is ignored in the spacing of the layout.

Dim omp As OMathPhantom: Set omp =  
omp.ZeroAsc = True


Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether the descent of the phantom contents is ignored in the spacing of the layout.

Dim omp As OMathPhantom: Set omp =  
omp.ZeroDesc = True


Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether the width of a phantom object is ignored in the spacing of the layout.

Dim omp As OMathPhantom: Set omp =  
omp.ZeroWid = True