Class FormField (Word VBA)

The class FormField represents a single form field. The FormField object is a member of the FormFields collection.

Dim ffd as FormField
Set ffd = ActiveDocument.FormFields(Index:=1)

For Each

Here is an example of processing the FormField items in a collection.

Dim ffd As FormField
For Each ffd In ActiveDocument.FormFields
	ffd.CalculateOnExit = False
Next ffd


Copy - Copies the specified form field to the Clipboard.

Cut - Removes the specified form field from the document and places it on the Clipboard.

Delete - Deletes the specified form field.

Select - Selects the specified object.


Type (Default member) - Returns the field type.

CalculateOnExit true if references to the specified form field are automatically updated whenever the field is exited.

CheckBox returns a CheckBox object that represents a check box form field.

DropDown returns a DropDown object that represents a drop-down form field.

Enabled true if a form field is enabled.

EntryMacro returns or sets an entry macro name for the specified form field (CheckBox, DropDown, or TextInput).

ExitMacro returns or sets an exit macro name for the specified form field (CheckBox, DropDown, or TextInput).

HelpText returns or sets the text that's displayed in a message box when the form field has the focus and the user presses F1.

Name returns or sets the name of the specified object.

Next returns the next form field in the collection.

OwnHelp specifies the source of the text that's displayed in a message box when a form field has the focus and the user presses F1.

OwnStatus specifies the source of the text that's displayed in the status bar when a form field has the focus.

Previous returns the previous form field in the collection.

Range returns a Range object that represents the portion of a document that is contained within the form field.

Result returns a String that represents the result of the specified form field.

StatusText returns or sets the text that is displayed in the status bar when a form field has the focus.

TextInput returns a TextInput object that represents a text form field.

CheckBox - Represents a single check box form field.

DropDown - Represents a drop-down form field that contains a list of items in a form.

Range - Represents a contiguous area in a document. Each Range object is defined by a starting and ending character position.

TextInput - Represents a single text form field.