Class Envelope (Word VBA)

The class Envelope represents an envelope attached to a document.

Class Document gives access to class Envelope.

Dim env as Envelope
Set env = ActiveDocument.Envelope


Insert - Inserts an envelope as a separate section at the beginning of the specified document.

Options - Displays the Envelope Options dialog box.

PrintOut - Prints an envelope without adding the envelope to the active document.

UpdateDocument - Updates the envelope in the document with the current envelope settings.


DefaultSize (Default member) - Returns or sets the default envelope size.

Address returns the envelope delivery address as a Range object.

AddressFromLeft returns or sets the distance (in points) between the left edge of the envelope and the delivery address.

AddressFromTop returns or sets the distance (in points) between the top edge of the envelope and the delivery address.

AddressStyle returns a Style object that represents the delivery address style for the envelope.

DefaultFaceUp true if envelopes are fed face up by default.

DefaultHeight returns or sets the default envelope height, in points.

DefaultOmitReturnAddress true if the return address is omitted from envelopes by default.

DefaultOrientation returns or sets the default orientation for feeding envelopes.

DefaultPrintFIMA true to add a Facing Identification Mark (FIM-A) to envelopes by default.

DefaultWidth returns or sets the default envelope width, in points.

FeedSource returns or sets the paper tray for the envelope.

RecipientNamefromLeft returns or sets a Single that represents the position, measured in points, of the recipient's name from the left edge of the envelope.

RecipientNamefromTop returns or sets a Single that represents the position, measured in points, of the recipient's name from the top edge of the envelope.

RecipientPostalfromLeft returns or sets a Single that represents the position, measured in points, of the recipient's postal code from the left edge of the envelope.

RecipientPostalfromTop returns or sets a Single that represents the position, measured in points, of the recipient's postal code from the top edge of the envelope.

ReturnAddress returns a Range object that represents the envelope return address.

ReturnAddressFromLeft returns or sets the distance (in points) between the left edge of the envelope and the return address.

ReturnAddressFromTop returns or sets the distance (in points) between the top edge of the envelope and the return address.

ReturnAddressStyle returns a Style object that represents the return address style for the envelope.

SenderNamefromLeft returns or sets a Single that represents the position, measured in points, of the sender's name from the left edge of the envelope.

SenderNamefromTop returns or sets a Single that represents the position, measured in points, of the sender's name from the top edge of the envelope.

SenderPostalfromLeft returns or sets a Single that represents the position, measured in points, of the sender's postal code from the left edge of the envelope.

SenderPostalfromTop returns or sets a Single that represents the position, measured in points, of the sender's postal code from the top edge of the envelope.

Vertical true vertically orients text on Asian envelopes.

Range - Represents a contiguous area in a document. Each Range object is defined by a starting and ending character position.

Style - Represents a single built-in or user-defined style. The Style object includes style attributes (such as font, font style, and paragraph spacing) as properties of the Style object. The Style object is a member of the Styles collection. The Styles collection includes all the styles in the specified document.