Class Document (Word VBA)

The class Document represents a document. The Document object is a member of the Documents collection. The Documents collection contains all the Document objects that are currently open in Word.

The classes Application, KeyBinding, MailingLabel, Pane, ProtectedViewWindow, Range, RecentFile, Selection, Subdocument, Template, Version, Window and XMLNode. give access to class Document

Dim doc as Document
Set doc = ActiveDocument

For Each

Here is an example of processing the Document items in a collection.

For Each doc In Documents 
     doc.Close SaveChanges:=wdSaveChanges 
Next doc


AcceptAllRevisions - Accepts all tracked changes in the specified document.

AcceptAllRevisionsShown - Accepts all revisions in the specified document that are displayed on the screen.

Activate - Activates the specified document so that it becomes the active document.

AddToFavorites - Creates a shortcut to the document or hyperlink and adds it to the Favorites folder.

ApplyDocumentTheme -

ApplyQuickStyleSet2 - Applies the specified Quick Style set to the document.

ApplyTheme - Applies a theme to an open document.

AutoFormat - Automatically formats a document.

CanCheckin - True if Microsoft Word can check in a specified document to a server.

CheckConsistency - Searches all text in a Japanese language document and displays instances where character usage is inconsistent for the same words.

CheckGrammar - Begins a spelling and grammar check for the specified document or range.

CheckIn - Returns a document from a local computer to a server, and sets the local document to read-only so that it cannot be edited locally.

CheckInWithVersion - Saves a document to a server from a local computer, and sets the local document to read-only so that it cannot be edited locally.

CheckSpelling - Begins a spelling check for the specified document or range.

Close - Closes the specified document.

ClosePrintPreview - Switches the specified document from print preview to the previous view.

Compare - Displays revision marks that indicate where the specified document differs from another document.

ComputeStatistics - Returns a statistic based on the contents of the specified document.

Convert - Converts file to the newest file format and enables all new features.

ConvertAutoHyphens - Converts hyphens created by automatic hyphenation to manual hyphens.

ConvertNumbersToText - Changes the list numbers and LISTNUM fields in the specified Document to text.

ConvertVietDoc - Reconverts a Vietnamese document to Unicode using a code page other than the default.

CopyStylesFromTemplate - Copies styles from the specified template to a document.

CountNumberedItems - Returns the number of bulleted or numbered items and LISTNUM fields in the specified Document object.

CreateLetterContent - Creates and returns a LetterContent object based on the specified letter elements. LetterContent object.

DataForm - Displays the Data Form dialog box, in which you can add, delete, or modify records.

DeleteAllComments - Deletes all comments from the Comments collection in a document.

DeleteAllCommentsShown - Deletes all revisions in a specified document that are displayed on the screen.

DeleteAllEditableRanges - Deletes permissions in all ranges for which the specified user or group of users has permission to modify.

DeleteAllInkAnnotations - Deletes all handwritten ink annotations in a document.

DetectLanguage - Analyzes the specified text to determine the language that it is written in.

DowngradeDocument - Downgrades a document to the Word 97-2003 document format so that it can be edited in a previous version of Microsoft Word.

EndReview - Terminates a review of a file that has been sent for review using the SendForReview method or that has been automatically placed in a review cycle by sending a document to another user in an email message.

ExportAsFixedFormat - Saves a document as PDF or XPS format.

ExportAsFixedFormat2 - Saves a document as PDF or XPS format.

FitToPages - Decreases the font size of text just enough so that the document will fit on one fewer pages.

FollowHyperlink - Displays a cached document, if it has already been downloaded. Otherwise, this method resolves the hyperlink, downloads the target document, and displays the document in the appropriate application.

FreezeLayout - In Web view, fixes the layout of the document as it currently appears so that line breaks remain fixed and ink annotations do not move when you resize the window.

GetCrossReferenceItems - Returns an array of items that can be cross-referenced based on the specified cross-reference type.

GetLetterContent - Retrieves letter elements from the specified document and returns a LetterContent object.

GetWorkflowTasks - Returns a WorkflowTasks collection that represents the workflow tasks assigned to a document.

GetWorkflowTemplates - Returns a WorkflowTemplates collection that represents the workflow templates attached to a document.

GoTo - Returns a Range object that represents the start position of the specified item, such as a page, bookmark, or field.

LockServerFile - Locks the file on the server preventing anyone else from editing it.

MakeCompatibilityDefault - Sets the compatibility options.

ManualHyphenation - Initiates manual hyphenation of a document, one line at a time.

Merge - Merges the changes marked with revision marks from one document to another.

Post - Posts the specified document to a public folder in Microsoft Exchange.

PresentIt - Opens PowerPoint with the specified Word document loaded.

PrintOut - Prints all or part of the specified document.

PrintPreview - Switches the view to print preview.

Protect - Protects the specified document from unauthorized changes.

Range - Returns a Range object by using the specified starting and ending character positions.

Redo - Redoes the last action that was undone (reverses the Undo method). Returns True if the actions were redone successfully.

RejectAllRevisions - Rejects all tracked changes in the specified document.

RejectAllRevisionsShown - Rejects all revisions in a document that are displayed on the screen.

Reload - Reloads a cached document by resolving the hyperlink to the document and downloading it.

ReloadAs - Reloads a document based on an HTML document, using the specified document encoding.

RemoveDocumentInformation - Removes sensitive information, properties, comments, and other metadata from a document.

RemoveLockedStyles - Purges a document of locked styles when formatting restrictions have been applied in a document.

RemoveNumbers - Removes numbers or bullets from the specified document.

RemoveTheme - Removes the active theme from the current document.

Repaginate - Repaginates the entire document.

ReplyWithChanges - Sends an email message to the author of a document that has been sent out for review, notifying them that a reviewer has completed review of the document.

ResetFormFields - Clears all form fields in a document, preparing the form to be filled in again.

ReturnToLastReadPosition - Returns the active document to the last saved reading position, and returns an integer that represents that position.

RunAutoMacro - Runs an auto macro that's stored in the specified document. If the specified auto macro doesn't exist, nothing happens.

RunLetterWizard - Runs the Letter Wizard on the specified document.

Save - Saves the specified document.

SaveAs2 - Saves the specified document with a new name or format. Some of the arguments for this method correspond to the options in the Save As dialog box (File tab).

SaveAsQuickStyleSet - Saves the group of quick styles currently in use.

Select - Selects the contents of the specified document.

SelectAllEditableRanges - Selects all ranges for which the specified user or group of users has permission to modify.

SelectContentControlsByTag - Returns a ContentControls collection that represents all the content controls in a document with the tag value specified in the Tag parameter.

SelectContentControlsByTitle - Returns a ContentControls collection that represents all the content controls in a document with the title specified in the Title parameter.

SelectLinkedControls - Returns a ContentControls collection that represents all content controls in a document that are linked to the specific custom XML node in the document's XML data store as specified by the Node parameter.

SelectNodes - Returns an XMLNodes collection that represents all the nodes that match the XPath parameter in the order in which they appear in the document or range.

SelectSingleNode - Returns an XMLNode object that represents the first node that matches the XPath parameter in the specified document.

SelectUnlinkedControls - Returns a ContentControls collection that represents all content controls in a document that are not linked to an XML node in the document's XML data store.

SendFax - Sends the specified document as a fax, without any user interaction.

SendFaxOverInternet - Sends a document to a fax service provider, who faxes the document to one or more specified recipients.

SendForReview - Sends a document in an email message for review by the specified recipients.

SendMail - Opens a message window for sending the specified document through Microsoft Exchange.

SetCompatibilityMode -

SetDefaultTableStyle - Specifies the table style to use for newly created tables in a document.

SetLetterContent - Inserts the contents of the specified LetterContent object into a document.

SetPasswordEncryptionOptions - Sets the options Microsoft Word uses for encrypting documents with passwords.

ToggleFormsDesign - Switches form design mode on or off.

TransformDocument - Applies the specified Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) file to the specified document and replaces the document with the results.

Undo - Undoes the last action or a sequence of actions, which are displayed in the Undo list. Returns True if the actions were successfully undone.

UndoClear - Clears the list of actions that can be undone for the specified document.

Unprotect - Removes protection from the specified document.

UpdateStyles - Copies all styles from the attached template into the document, overwriting any existing styles in the document that have the same name.

ViewCode - Displays the code window for the selected Microsoft ActiveX control in the specified document.

ViewPropertyBrowser - Displays the property window for the selected Microsoft ActiveX control in the specified document.

WebPagePreview - Displays a preview of the current document as it would look if saved as a webpage.


Name (Default member) - Returns the name of the specified object.

ActiveTheme returns the name of the active theme plus the theme formatting options for the specified document.

ActiveThemeDisplayName returns the display name of the active theme for the specified document.

ActiveWindow returns a Window object that represents the active window (the window with the focus).

ActiveWritingStyle returns or sets the writing style for a specified language in the specified document.

AttachedTemplate returns a Template template that represents the template attached to the specified document. Read/write Variant.

AutoFormatOverride returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether automatic formatting options override formatting restrictions in a document where formatting restrictions are in effect.

AutoHyphenation true if automatic hyphenation is turned on for the specified document.

AutoSaveOn true if the edits in the document are automatically saved.

Background returns a Shape object that represents the background image for the specified document.

Bibliography returns a Bibliography object that represents the bibliography references contained within a document.

Bookmarks returns a Bookmarks collection that represents all the bookmarks in a document.

Broadcast returns a Broadcast object that represents a broadcast session, in which presenters can present Word documents to remote participants over the web without the participants needing to have rich clients installed.

BuiltInDocumentProperties returns a DocumentProperties collection that represents all the built-in document properties for the specified document.

Characters returns a Characters collection that represents the characters in a document.

ChartDataPointTrack returns or sets a Boolean that specifies whether charts in the active document use cell-reference data-point tracking.

ClickAndTypeParagraphStyle returns or sets the default paragraph style applied to text by the Click and Type feature in the specified document.

CoAuthoring returns a CoAuthoring object that provides the entry point into the co authoring object model.

CodeName returns the code name for the specified document.

CommandBars returns a CommandBars collection that represents the menu bar and all the toolbars in Microsoft Word.

Comments returns a Comments collection that represents all the comments in the specified document.

Compatibility true if the compatibility option specified by the Type argument is enabled. Compatibility options affect how a document is displayed in Microsoft Word.

CompatibilityMode returns a Long that specifies the compatibility mode that Word uses when opening the document.

ConsecutiveHyphensLimit returns or sets the maximum number of consecutive lines that can end with hyphens. Read/write.

Container returns the object that represents the container application for the specified document.

Content returns a Range object that represents the main document story.

ContentControls returns a ContentControls collection that represents all the content controls in a document.

ContentTypeProperties returns a MetaProperties collection that represents the metadata stored in a document, such as author name, subject, and company.

CurrentRsid returns a Long that represents a random number that Word assigns to changes in a document.

CustomDocumentProperties returns a DocumentProperties collection that represents all the custom document properties for the specified document.

CustomXMLParts returns a CustomXMLParts collection that represents the custom XML in the XML data store.

DefaultTableStyle returns a Variant that represents the table style that is applied to all newly created tables in a document.

DefaultTabStop returns or sets the interval (in points) between the default tab stops in the specified document.

DefaultTargetFrame returns or sets a String indicating the browser frame in which to display a webpage reached through a hyperlink.

DisableFeatures true disables all features introduced after the version specified in the DisableFeaturesIntroducedAfter property. The default value is False.

DisableFeaturesIntroducedAfter disables all features introduced after a specified version of Microsoft Word in the document only.

DocumentInspectors returns a DocumentInspectors collection that enables you to locate hidden personal information, such as author name, company name, and revision date.

DocumentLibraryVersions returns a DocumentLibraryVersions collection that represents the collection of versions of a shared document that has versioning enabled and that is stored in a document library on a server.

DocumentTheme returns an OfficeTheme object that represents the Microsoft Office theme applied to a document.

DoNotEmbedSystemFonts true for Microsoft Word to not embed common system fonts.

Email returns an Email object that contains all the email-related properties of the current document.

EmbedLinguisticData true for Microsoft Word to embed speech and handwriting so that data can be converted back to speech or handwriting.

EmbedTrueTypeFonts true if Microsoft Word embeds TrueType fonts in a document when it is saved.

EncryptionProvider returns a String specifying the name of the algorithm encryption provider that Microsoft Word uses when encrypting documents.

Endnotes returns an Endnotes collection that represents all the endnotes in a document.

EnforceStyle returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether formatting restrictions are enforced in a protected document.

Envelope returns an Envelope object that represents an envelope and envelope features in a document.

FarEastLineBreakLanguage returns or sets a WdFarEastLineBreakLanguageID that represents the East Asian language to use when breaking lines of text in the specified document or template.

FarEastLineBreakLevel returns or sets a WdFarEastLineBreakLevel that represents the line break control level for the specified document.

Fields returns a Fields collection that represents all the fields in the document.

Final returns or sets a Boolean that indicates whether a document is final.

Footnotes returns a Footnotes collection that represents all the footnotes in a document.

FormattingShowClear true for Microsoft Word to show clear formatting in the Styles and Formatting task pane.

FormattingShowFilter sets or returns a WdShowFilter constant that represents the styles and formatting displayed in the Styles and Formatting task pane.

FormattingShowFont true for Microsoft Word to display font formatting in the Styles and Formatting task pane.

FormattingShowNextLevel returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether Microsoft Word shows the next heading level when the previous heading level is used.

FormattingShowNumbering true for Microsoft Word to display number formatting in the Styles and Formatting task pane.

FormattingShowParagraph true for Microsoft Word to display paragraph formatting in the Styles and Formatting task pane.

FormattingShowUserStyleName returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to show user-defined styles.

FormFields returns a FormFields collection that represents all the form fields in the document.

FormsDesign true if the specified document is in form design mode.

Frames returns a Frames collection that represents all the frames in a document.

Frameset returns a Frameset object that represents an entire frames page or a single frame on a frames page.

FullName returns a String that represents the name of a document, including the path.

GrammarChecked true if a grammar check has been run on the specified range or document.

GrammaticalErrors returns a ProofreadingErrors collection that represents the sentences that failed the grammar check in the specified document.

GridDistanceHorizontal returns or sets a Single that represents the amount of horizontal space between the invisible gridlines that Microsoft Word uses when you draw, move, and resize AutoShapes or East Asian characters in the specified document.

GridDistanceVertical returns or sets a Single that represents the amount of vertical space between the invisible gridlines that Microsoft Word uses when you draw, move, and resize AutoShapes or East Asian characters in the specified document.

GridOriginFromMargin true if Microsoft Word starts the character grid from the upper-left corner of the page.

GridOriginHorizontal returns or sets a Single that represents the point, relative to the left edge of the page, where you want the invisible grid for drawing, moving, and resizing AutoShapes or East Asian characters to begin in the specified document.

GridOriginVertical returns or sets a Single that represents the point, relative to the top of the page, where you want the invisible grid for drawing, moving, and resizing AutoShapes or East Asian characters to begin in the specified document.

GridSpaceBetweenHorizontalLines returns or sets the interval at which Microsoft Word displays horizontal character gridlines in print layout view.

GridSpaceBetweenVerticalLines returns or sets the interval at which Microsoft Word displays vertical character gridlines in print layout view.

HasPassword true if a password is required to open the specified document.

HasVBProject returns a Boolean that represents whether a document has an attached Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications project.

HTMLDivisions returns an HTMLDivisions collection that represents the HTML DIV elements in a web document.

Hyperlinks returns a Hyperlinks collection that represents all the hyperlinks in the specified document.

HyphenateCaps true if words in all capital letters can be hyphenated.

HyphenationZone returns or sets the width of the hyphenation zone, in points.

Indexes returns an Indexes collection that represents all the indexes in the specified document.

InlineShapes returns an InlineShapes collection that represents all the InlineShape objects in a document.

IsInAutosave returns False if the most recent firing of the Application.DocumentBeforeSave event (Word) event was the result of a manual save by the user, and not an automatic save.

IsMasterDocument true if the specified document is a master document.

IsSubdocument true if the specified document is a subdocument of a master document.

JustificationMode returns or sets the character spacing adjustment for the specified document.

KerningByAlgorithm true if Microsoft Word kerns half-width Latin characters and punctuation marks in the specified document.

Kind returns or sets the format type that Microsoft Word uses when automatically formatting the specified document.

LanguageDetected returns or sets a value that specifies whether Microsoft Word has detected the language of the specified text.

ListParagraphs returns a ListParagraphs object that represents all the numbered paragraphs in a document.

Lists returns a Lists collection that contains all the formatted lists in the specified document.

ListTemplates returns a ListTemplates collection that represents all the list formats for the specified document.

LockQuickStyleSet returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether users can change which set of Quick Styles is being used.

LockTheme returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether a user can change a document theme.

MailEnvelope returns an MsoEnvelope object that represents an email header for a document.

MailMerge returns a MailMerge object that represents the mail merge functionality for the specified document.

NoLineBreakAfter returns or sets the kinsoku characters after which Microsoft Word will not break a line.

NoLineBreakBefore returns or sets the kinsoku characters before which Microsoft Word will not break a line.

OMathBreakBin returns or sets a WdOMathBreakBin constant that represents where Microsoft Word places binary operators when equations span two or more lines.

OMathBreakSub returns or sets a WdOMathBreakSub constant that represents how Microsoft Word handles a subtraction operator that falls before a line break.

OMathFontName returns or sets a String that represents the name of the font used in a document to display equations.

OMathIntSubSupLim returns or sets a Boolean that represents the default location of limits for integrals.

OMathJc returns or sets a WdOMathJc constant that represents the default justification—left, right, centered, or centered as a group—of a group of equations.

OMathLeftMargin returns or sets a Single that represents the left margin for equations.

OMathNarySupSubLim returns or sets a Boolean that represents the default location of limits for n-ary objects other than integrals.

OMathRightMargin returns or sets a Single that represents the right margin for equations.

OMaths returns an OMaths collection that represents the OMath objects within the specified range.

OMathSmallFrac returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to use small fractions in equations contained within the document.

OMathWrap returns or sets a Single that represents the placement of the second line of an equation that wraps to a new line.

OpenEncoding returns the encoding used to open the specified document.

OriginalDocumentTitle returns a String that represents the document title for the original document after running a legal-blackline document compare function.

PageSetup returns a PageSetup object that is associated with the specified document.

Paragraphs returns a Paragraphs collection that represents all the paragraphs in the specified document.

Password sets a password that must be supplied to open the specified document. Write-only String.

PasswordEncryptionAlgorithm returns a String indicating the algorithm Microsoft Word uses for encrypting documents with passwords.

PasswordEncryptionFileProperties true if Microsoft Word encrypts file properties for password-protected documents.

PasswordEncryptionKeyLength returns a Long indicating the key length of the algorithm Microsoft Word uses when encrypting documents with passwords.

PasswordEncryptionProvider returns a String specifying the name of the algorithm encryption provider that Microsoft Word uses when encrypting documents with passwords.

Path returns the disk or Web path to the document.

Permission returns a Permission object that represents the permission settings in the specified document.

PrintFormsData true if Microsoft Word prints onto a preprinted form only the data entered in the corresponding online form.

PrintPostScriptOverText true if PRINT field instructions (such as PostScript commands) in a document are to be printed on top of text and graphics when a PostScript printer is used.

PrintRevisions true if revision marks are printed with the document. False if revision marks aren't printed (that is, tracked changes are printed as if they'd been accepted).

ProtectionType returns the protection type for the specified document. Can be one of the following WdProtectionType constants: wdAllowOnlyComments, wdAllowOnlyFormFields, wdAllowOnlyReading, wdAllowOnlyRevisions, or wdNoProtection.

ReadabilityStatistics returns a ReadabilityStatistics collection that represents the readability statistics for the specified document or range.

ReadingLayoutSizeX sets or returns a Long that represents the width of pages in a document when it is displayed in reading layout view and is frozen for entering handwritten markup.

ReadingLayoutSizeY sets or returns a Long that represents the height of pages in a document when it is displayed in reading layout view and is frozen for entering handwritten markup.

ReadingModeLayoutFrozen sets or returns a Boolean that represents whether pages displayed in reading layout view are frozen to a specified size for inserting handwritten markup into a document.

ReadOnly true if changes to the document cannot be saved to the original document.

ReadOnlyRecommended true if Microsoft Word displays a message box whenever a user opens the document, suggesting that it be opened as read-only.

RemoveDateAndTime sets or returns a Boolean indicating whether a document stores the date and time metadata for tracked changes.

RemovePersonalInformation true if Microsoft Word removes all user information from comments, revisions, and the Properties dialog box upon saving a document.

Research returns a Research object that represents the research service for a document.

RevisedDocumentTitle returns a String that represents the document title for a revised document after running a legal-blackline document compare function.

Revisions returns a Revisions collection that represents the tracked changes in the document or range.

Saved true if the specified document or template has not changed since it was last saved. False if Microsoft Word displays a prompt to save changes when the document is closed.

SaveEncoding returns or sets the encoding to use when saving a document.

SaveFormat returns the file format of the specified document or file converter.

SaveFormsData true if Microsoft Word saves the data entered in a form as a tab-delimited record for use in a database.

SaveSubsetFonts true if Microsoft Word saves a subset of the embedded TrueType fonts with the document.

Scripts returns a Scripts collection that represents the collection of HTML scripts in the specified object.

Sections returns a Section collection that represents the sections in the specified document.


Sentences returns a Sentences collection that represents all the sentences in the document.

ServerPolicy returns a ServerPolicy object that represents a policy specified for a document stored on a server running Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.

Shapes returns a Shapes collection that represents all the Shape objects in the specified document.

ShowGrammaticalErrors true if grammatical errors are marked by a wavy green line in the specified document.

ShowSpellingErrors true if Microsoft Word underlines spelling errors in the document.

Signatures returns a SignatureSet collection that represents the digital signatures for a document.

SmartDocument returns a SmartDocument object that represents the settings for a smart document solution.

SnapToGrid true if AutoShapes or East Asian characters are automatically aligned with an invisible grid when they are drawn, moved, or resized in the specified document.

SnapToShapes true if Microsoft Word automatically aligns AutoShapes or East Asian characters with invisible gridlines that go through the vertical and horizontal edges of other AutoShapes or East Asian characters in the specified document.

SpellingChecked true if spelling has been checked throughout the specified range or document. False if all or some of the range or document has not been checked for spelling.

SpellingErrors returns a ProofreadingErrors collection that represents the words identified as spelling errors in the specified document or range.

StoryRanges returns a StoryRanges collection that represents all the stories in the specified document.

Styles returns a Styles collection for the specified document.

StyleSheets returns a StyleSheets collection that represents the Web style sheets attached to a document.

StyleSortMethod returns or sets a WdStyleSort constant that represents the sort method to use when sorting styles in the Styles task pane.

Subdocuments returns a Subdocuments collection that represents all the subdocuments in the specified document.


Tables returns a Table collection that represents all the tables in the specified document.

TablesOfAuthorities returns a TableOfAuthorities collection that represents the tables of authorities in the specified document.

TablesOfAuthoritiesCategories returns a TablesOfAuthoritiesCategories collection that represents the available table of authorities categories for the specified document.

TablesOfContents returns a TablesOfContents collection that represents the tables of contents in the specified document.

TablesOfFigures returns a TablesOfFigures collection that represents the tables of figures in the specified document.

TextEncoding returns or sets the code page, or character set, that Microsoft Word uses for a document saved as an encoded text file.

TextLineEnding returns or sets a WdLineEndingType constant indicating how Microsoft Word marks the line and paragraph breaks in documents saved as text files.

TrackFormatting returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to track formatting changes when change tracking is turned on.

TrackMoves returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to mark moved text when Track Changes is turned on.

TrackRevisions true if changes are tracked in the specified document.

Type returns the document type (template or document).

UpdateStylesOnOpen true if the styles in the specified document are updated to match the styles in the attached template each time the document is opened.

UseMathDefaults returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to use the default math settings when creating new equations.

UserControl true if the document was created or opened by the user.

Variables returns a Variables collection that represents the variables stored in the specified document.

VBASigned true if the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) project for the specified document has been digitally signed.

VBProject returns the VBProject object for the specified template or document.

WebOptions returns the WebOptions object, which contains document-level attributes used by Microsoft Word when you save a document as a webpage or open a webpage.

Windows returns a Windows collection that represents all windows for the specified document.

WordOpenXML returns a String that represents the flat XML format for the Word Open XML contents of the document.

Words returns a Words collection that represents all the words in a document.


WritePassword sets a password for saving changes to the specified document. Write-only String.

WriteReserved true if the specified document is protected with a write password.

XMLSaveThroughXSLT sets or returns a String that specifies the path and file name for the Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) to apply when a user saves a document.

XMLSchemaReferences returns an XMLSchemaReferences collection that represents the schemas attached to a document.

XMLShowAdvancedErrors returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether error message text is generated from the built-in Microsoft Word error messages or from the Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 component included with Office.

XMLUseXSLTWhenSaving returns a Boolean that represents whether to save a document through an Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT). True saves a document through an XSLT.

Bibliography - Represents the list of sources available attached to the document (in the current list) or the list of sources available in the application (in the master list).

Bookmarks - A collection of Bookmark objects that represent the bookmarks in the specified selection, range, or document.

Broadcast - Represents a Windows Live Broadcast Service broadcast session.

Characters - A collection of characters in a selection, range, or document. There is no Character object; instead, each item in the Characters collection is a Range object that represents one character.

CoAuthoring - Provides the primary entry point to the co authoring object model.

Comments - A collection of Comment objects that represent the comments in a selection, range, or document.

ContentControls - A collection of ContentControl objects. Content controls are bounded and potentially labeled regions in a document that serve as containers for specific types of content. Individual content controls may contain content such as dates, lists, or paragraphs of formatted text.

Email - Represents an email message.

Endnotes - A collection of Endnote objects that represents all the endnotes in a selection, range, or document.

Envelope - Represents an envelope attached to a document.

Fields - A collection of Field objects that represent all the fields in a selection, range, or document.

Footnotes - A collection of Footnote objects that represent all the footnotes in a selection, range, or document.

FormFields - A collection of FormField objects that represent all the form fields in a selection, range, or document.

Frames - Word Object Model Reference

Frameset - Represents an entire frames page or a single frame on a frames page.

HTMLDivisions - A collection of HTMLDivision objects that represents the HTML DIV elements that exist in a web document.

Hyperlinks - Represents the collection of Hyperlink objects in a document, range, or selection.

Indexes - A collection of Index objects that represents all the indexes in the specified document.

InlineShapes - A collection of InlineShape objects that represent all the inline shapes in a document, range, or selection.

LetterContent - Represents the elements of a letter created by the Letter Wizard.

ListParagraphs - A collection of Paragraph objects that represents the paragraphs of the specified document, list, or range that have list formatting applied.

Lists - A collection of List objects that represent all the lists in the specified document.

ListTemplates - A collection of ListTemplate objects in a document, list gallery, or template.

MailMerge - Represents the mail merge functionality in Word.

OMaths - A collection of equations. Use the OMath object to access individual members of the collection.

PageSetup - Represents the page setup description. The PageSetup object contains all the page setup attributes of a document (such as left margin, bottom margin, and paper size) as properties.

Paragraphs - A collection of Paragraph objects in a selection, range, or document.

ProofreadingErrors - A collection of spelling and grammatical errors for the specified document or range.

Range - Represents a contiguous area in a document. Each Range object is defined by a starting and ending character position.

ReadabilityStatistics - A collection of ReadabilityStatistic objects for a document or range.

Research - Provides access to the research service feature of Microsoft Word.

Revisions - A collection of Revision objects that represent the changes marked with revision marks in a range or document.

Sections - A collection of Section objects in a selection, range, or document.

Sentences - A collection of Range objects that represent all the sentences in a selection, range, or document. There is no Sentence object.

Shape - Represents an object in the drawing layer, such as an AutoShape, freeform, OLE object, ActiveX control, or picture. The Shape object is a member of the Shapes collection, which includes all the shapes in the main story of a document or in all the headers and footers of a document.

Shapes - A collection of Shape objects that represent all the shapes in a document or all the shapes in all the headers and footers in a document. Each Shape object represents an object in the drawing layer, such as an AutoShape, freeform, OLE object, or picture.

StoryRanges - A collection of Range objects that represent stories in a document.

Styles - A collection of Style objects that represent both the built-in and user-defined styles in a document.

StyleSheets - A collection of StyleSheet objects that represents the cascading style sheets attached to a document. The StyleSheets collection includes all cascading style sheets displayed in the Linked CSS Style Sheets dialog box.

Subdocuments - A collection of Subdocument objects that represent the subdocuments in a range or document.

Tables - A collection of Table objects that represent the tables in a selection, range, or document.

TablesOfAuthorities - A collection of TableOfAuthorities objects (TOA fields) that represents the tables of authorities in a document.

TablesOfAuthoritiesCategories - A collection of TableOfAuthoritiesCategory objects that represent the table of authorities categories, such as Cases and Statutes. The TablesOfAuthoritiesCategories collection includes all 16 categories listed in the Category box on the Table of Authorities tab in the Index and Tables dialog box.

TablesOfContents - A collection of TableOfContents objects that represent the tables of contents in a document.

TablesOfFigures - A collection of TableOfFigures objects that represent the tables of figures in a document.

Template - Represents a document template. The Template object is a member of the Templates collection. The Templates collection includes all the available Template objects.

Variables - A collection of Variable objects that represent the variables added to a document or template. Document variables are used to preserve macro settings in between macro sessions.

WebOptions - Contains document-level attributes used by Microsoft Word when you save a document as a webpage or open a webpage.

Window - Represents a window. Many document characteristics, such as scroll bars and rulers, are actually properties of the window.

Windows - A collection of Window objects that represent all the available windows. The Windows collection for the Application object contains all the windows in the application, whereas the Windows collection for the Document object contains only the windows that display the specified document.

Words - A collection of words in a selection, range, or document. Each item in the Words collection is a Range object that represents one word. There is no Word object.

XMLNode - Represents a single XML element applied to a document.

XMLNodes - A collection of XMLNode objects that represents the nodes in the tree view of the XML Structure task pane, which indicates the elements that a user has applied to a document. Each node in the tree view is an instance of an XMLNode object. The hierarchy in the tree view indicates whether a node contains child nodes.Y

XMLSchemaReferences - A collection of XMLSchemaReference objects that represent the unique namespaces that are attached to a document.