Class View (PowerPoint VBA)

The class View represents the current editing view in the specified document window.

Class DocumentWindow gives access to class View.

Dim vw as View
Set vw = ActiveWindow.View


GotoSlide - Switches to the specified slide.

Paste - Pastes the contents of the Clipboard into the active view. Attempting to paste an object into a view that won't accept it causes an error.

PasteSpecial - Pastes the current contents of the Clipboard into the view represented by the View object.

Player - Allows access to playback controls for the associated view in the current window.

PrintOut - Prints the specified presentation.


DisplaySlideMiniature determines if and when the slide miniature window is displayed automatically.

MediaControlsHeight returns the height, in points, of the media controls.

MediaControlsLeft returns the distance, in points, from the left edge of the media control bounding box to the left edge of the slide.

MediaControlsTop returns the distance, in points, from the top edge of the media control bounding box to the top edge of the slide.

MediaControlsVisible indicates whether the media controls are currently visible.

MediaControlsWidth returns the width, in points, of the media control bounding box.

PrintOptions returns a PrintOptions object that represents print options that are saved with the specified presentation.

Slide returns or sets a Slide slide that represents the slide that's currently displayed in the specified document window view. Read/write.

Type represents the type of view.

Zoom returns or sets the zoom setting of the specified view as a percentage of normal size.

ZoomToFit determines whether the view is zoomed to fit the dimensions of the document window every time the document window is resized.

Player - Allows access to playback controls for the associated shape in the current window.

PrintOptions - Contains print options for a presentation.

Slide - Represents a slide. The Slides collection contains all the Slide objects in a presentation.