Class SlideShowView (PowerPoint VBA)

The class SlideShowView represents the view in a slide show window.

Class SlideShowWindow gives access to class SlideShowView.

Dim ssv as SlideShowView
Set ssv = SlideShowWindows(1).View


DrawLine - Draws a line in the specified slide show view.

EndNamedShow - Switches from running a custom, or named, slide show to running the entire presentation of which the custom show is a subset. When the slide show advances from the current slide, the next slide displayed will be the next one in the entire presentation, not the next one in the custom slide show.

EraseDrawing - Removes lines drawn during a slide show by using either the DrawLine method or the pen tool.

Exit - Ends the specified slide show.

First - Sets the specified slide show view to display the first slide in the presentation.

FirstAnimationIsAutomatic - Returns True if the current slide has an initial animation that runs automatically.

GetClickCount - Returns the number of mouse clicks that are defined for a slide.

GetClickIndex - Returns the index number of the current mouse click for an animation that is actively playing on a slide or has just finished.

GotoClick - Plays an animation associated with a specified mouse click and any animations that follow on the slide.

GotoNamedShow - Switches to the specified custom, or named, slide show during another slide show. When the slide show advances from the current slide, the next slide displayed will be the next one in the specified custom slide show, not the next one in current slide show.

GotoSlide - Switches to the specified slide during a slide show. You can specify whether you want the animation effects to be rerun.

Last - Sets the specified slide show view to display the last slide in the presentation.

Next - Displays the slide immediately following the slide that's currently displayed.

Player - Allows access to playback controls for the associated view in the current window.

Previous - Shows the slide immediately preceding the slide that's currently displayed.

ResetSlideTime - Resets the elapsed time (represented by the SlideElapsedTime property) for the slide that's currently displayed to 0 (zero).


AcceleratorsEnabled determines whether shortcut keys are enabled during a slide show.

AdvanceMode returns a value that indicates how the slide show in the specified view advances.

CurrentShowPosition returns the position of the current slide within the slide show that is showing in the specified view.

IsNamedShow determines whether a custom (named) slide show is displayed in the specified slide show view.

LaserPointerEnabled returns True if the current slide show pointer is a laser pointer. This property is applicable only while the slide show is running.

LastSlideViewed returns a Slide object that represents the slide viewed immediately before the current slide in the specified slide show view.

MediaControlsHeight returns the height of the media control bounding box.

MediaControlsLeft returns the distance, in points, from the left edge of the media control bounding box to the left edge of the Slide.

MediaControlsTop returns the distance, in points, from the top edge of the media control bounding box to the top edge of the Slide object.

MediaControlsVisible indicates whether the media controls are visible.

MediaControlsWidth returns the width, in points, of the media control bounding box.

PointerColor returns a ColorFormat object that represents the pointer color for the specified presentation during one slide show.

PointerType returns or sets the type of pointer used in the slide show.

PresentationElapsedTime returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since the beginning of the specified slide show.

Slide returns a Slide object that represents the slide that's currently displayed in the specified slide show window view.

SlideElapsedTime returns the number of seconds that the current slide has been displayed.

SlideShowName returns the name of the custom slide show that's currently running in the specified slide show view.

State returns or sets the state of the slide show.

Zoom returns the zoom setting of the specified slide show window view as a percentage of normal size.

ColorFormat - Represents the color of a one-color object, the foreground or background color of an object with a gradient or patterned fill, or the pointer color. You can set colors to an explicit red-green-blue value (by using the RGB property) or to a color in the color scheme (by using the SchemeColor property).

Player - Allows access to playback controls for the associated shape in the current window.

Slide - Represents a slide. The Slides collection contains all the Slide objects in a presentation.