Class PropertyEffect (PowerPoint VBA)

The class PropertyEffect represents a property effect for an AnimationBehavior object. To use a PropertyEffect class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example

Dim pet as PropertyEffect
Set pet = ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.TimeLine.MainSequence(1).Behaviors(1).PropertyEffect


Sets or returns a Variant that represents the starting value of an object's property.

the From property is similar to the Points property, but using the From property is easier for simple tasks. The default value is Empty, in which case the current position of the object is used. Do not confuse this property with the FromX or FromY properties of the ScaleEffect and MotionEffect objects, which are only used for scaling or motion effects.

ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.TimeLine.MainSequence(1).Behaviors(1).PropertyEffect.From =


Returns an AnimationPoints object that represents a point in an animation.

Use the From and To properties to set the value of this property.

Dim apsPoints As AnimationPoints
Set apsPoints = ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.TimeLine.MainSequence(1).Behaviors(1).PropertyEffect.Points


Sets or returns an MsoAnimProperty constant that represents an animation property. Here you can find possible values for MsoAnimProperty.

ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange(1).TimeLine.MainSequence(1).Behaviors(1).PropertyEffect.Property = msoAnimColor


Sets or returns a Variant that represents the ending value of an object's property.

The default value is Empty, in which case the current position of the object is used. Do not confuse this property with the ToX or ToY properties of the ScaleEffect and MotionEffect objects, which are only used for scaling or motion effects.

ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.TimeLine.MainSequence(1).Behaviors(1).PropertyEffect.To =