Class ParagraphFormat (PowerPoint VBA)

The class ParagraphFormat represents the paragraph formatting of a text range.

The classes TextRange and TextStyleLevel. give access to class ParagraphFormat

Dim pft as ParagraphFormat
Set pft = ActiveWindow.Selection.TextRange.ParagraphFormat


Alignment returns or sets the alignment for each paragraph in the specified paragraph format.

BaseLineAlignment returns or sets the base line alignment for the specified paragraph.

Bullet returns a BulletFormat object that represents bullet formatting for the specified paragraph format.

FarEastLineBreakControl returns or sets the line break control option if you have an Asian language setting specified.

HangingPunctuation returns or sets the hanging punctuation option if you have an Asian language setting specified.

LineRuleAfter determines whether line spacing after the last line in each paragraph is set to a specific number of points or lines.

LineRuleBefore determines whether line spacing before the first line in each paragraph is set to a specific number of points or lines.

LineRuleWithin determines whether line spacing between base lines is set to a specific number of points or lines.

SpaceAfter returns or sets the amount of space after the last line in each paragraph of the specified text, in points or lines.

SpaceBefore returns or sets the amount of space before the first line in each paragraph of the specified text, in points or lines.

SpaceWithin returns or sets the amount of space between base lines in the specified text, in points or lines.

TextDirection returns or sets the text direction for the specified paragraph.

WordWrap used only with Kanji characters.

BulletFormat - Represents bullet formatting.