Class Master (PowerPoint VBA)

The class Master represents a slide master, title master, handout master, notes master, or design master.

The classes Design, Presentation and Slide. give access to class Master

Dim mst as Master
Set mst = ActivePresentation.SlideMaster


ApplyTheme - Applies a theme or design template to the specified slide master, title master, handout master, notes master, or design master.

Delete - Deletes the specified Master object.


Background returns a ShapeRange object that represents the slide background.

BackgroundStyle sets or returns the background style of the specified object.

ColorScheme returns or sets the ColorScheme object that represents the scheme colors for the specified slide, slide range, or slide master.

CustomerData returns a CustomerData object.

CustomLayouts returns a CustomLayouts object that represents the custom layouts associated with the presentation design of the specified Master object.

Design returns a Design object representing a design.

Guides returns a Guides collection that represents all of the drawing guides associated with the slide master, title master, handout master, notes master, or design master.

HeadersFooters returns a HeadersFooters collection that represents the header, footer, date and time, and slide number associated with the slide, slide master, or range of slides.

Height returns or sets the height of the specified object, in points.

Hyperlinks returns a Hyperlinks collection that represents all the hyperlinks on the specified slide.

Name returns or sets the name of the specified object.

Shapes returns a Shapes collection that represents all the elements that have been placed or inserted on the specified slide, slide master, or range of slides.

SlideShowTransition returns a SlideShowTransition object that represents the special effects for the specified slide transition.

TextStyles returns a TextStyles collection that represents three text styles — title text, body text, and default text — for the specified slide master.

Theme returns a Theme object that represents the theme used by the specified slide master, title master, handout master, notes master, or design master.

TimeLine returns a TimeLine object that represents the animation timeline for the slide.

Width returns the width of the specified object, in points.

ColorScheme - Represents a color scheme, which is a set of eight colors used for the different elements of a slide, notes page, or handout, such as the title or background. (Note that the color schemes for slides, notes pages, and handouts in a presentation can be set independently.)

CustomerData - Stores information about a customer (such as name, address, telephone number, and so on) or other information in XML form, as a collection of CustomXMLPart objects associated with a Microsoft PowerPoint object.

CustomLayouts - Represents a set of custom layouts associated with a presentation design.

Design - Represents an individual slide design template. The Design object is a member of the Designs and SlideRange collections and the Master and Slide objects.

Guides - A collection of Guide objects in a presentation or custom layout.

HeadersFooters - Contains all the HeaderFooter objects on the specified slide, notes page, handout, or master.

Hyperlinks - A collection of all the Hyperlink objects on a slide or master.

ShapeRange - Represents a shape range, which is a set of shapes on a document. A shape range can contain as few as a single shape or as many as all the shapes on the document.

Shapes - A collection of all the Shape objects on the specified slide.

SlideShowTransition - Contains information about how the specified slide advances during a slide show.

TextStyles - A collection of three text styles - title text, body text, and default text - each of which is represented by a TextStyle object.

TimeLine - Stores animation information for a Master, Slide, or SlideRange object.