Class FileConverter (PowerPoint VBA)

The class FileConverter represents a file converter that is used to open or save files. The FileConverter object is a member of the FileConverters collection. The FileConverters collection contains all the installed file converters for opening and saving files. To use a FileConverter class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example

Dim fcr as FileConverter
Set fcr = FileConverters(Index:=1)


True if the specified file converter is designed to open files.

The CanSave property returns True if the specified file converter can be used to save (export) files.

If FileConverters(1).CanOpen = True Then
    MsgBox FileConverters(1).FormatName & " can open files"
End If


True if the specified file converter is designed to save files.

the CanOpen property returns True if the specified file converter can be used to open (import) files.

If FileConverters(1).CanSave = True Then
    MsgBox FileConverters(1).FormatName & " can save files"
End If


Returns a unique name that identifies the file converter.

MsgBox "ClassName= " & FileConverters(1).ClassName & vbCr _
    & "FormatName= " & FileConverters(1).FormatName


Returns the file name extensions associated with the specified FileConverter object.

Dim fcr As FileConverter: Set fcr = FileConverters(1)
Dim strExtensions As String
strExtensions = fcr.Extensions


Returns the name of the specified file converter.

The format names appear in the Save as type box in the Save As dialog box.

MsgBox FileConverters(1).FormatName


Returns the name of the specified object.

Dim fcr As FileConverter: Set fcr = 
Dim strName As String
strName = fcr.Name


Returns the file format of the specified file converter.

Dim fcr As FileConverter: Set fcr = 
Dim lngOpenFormat As Long
lngOpenFormat = fcr.OpenFormat


Returns the disk or Web path to the specified object.

Dim fcr As FileConverter: Set fcr = 
Dim strPath As String
strPath = fcr.Path


Returns the file format of the specified document or file converter.

Dim fcr As FileConverter: Set fcr = 
Dim lngSaveFormat As Long
lngSaveFormat = fcr.SaveFormat