Class Column (PowerPoint VBA)

The class Column represents a table column. The Column object is a member of the Columns collection. The Columns collection includes all the columns in a table. To use a Column class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example

Dim clm as Column
Set clm = ActiveWindow.RangeFromPoint.Table.Columns(Index:=1)


Returns a CellRange collection that represents the cells in a table column or row.

Dim creCells As CellRange
Set creCells = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(2).Table.Columns(1).Cells


Deletes the specified Column object.

Attempting to delete the only existing column in a table will result in a run-time error.



Selects the specified object.

If you try to make a selection that isn't appropriate for the view, your code will fail. For example, you can select a slide in slide sorter view but not in slide view.



Returns or sets the width of the specified object, in points.

ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(2).Table.Columns(1).Width = 150