Series.ErrorBar (Excel)

Applies error bars to the series.

ErrorBar (Direction, Include, Type, Amount, MinusValues)

ActiveChart.FullSeriesCollection(1).ErrorBar Direction:=xlX, Include:=xlErrorBarIncludeBoth, Type:=xlErrorBarTypeCustom


The following arguments are required:

Direction (XlErrorBarDirection) - The error bar direction.

Possible return values are xlX - Bars run parallel to the Y axis for X-axis values, xlY - Bars run parallel to the X axis for Y-axis values.

Include (XlErrorBarInclude) - The error bar parts to include.

Possible values are

xlErrorBarIncludeBoth Both positive and negative error range.
xlErrorBarIncludeMinusValues Only negative error range.
xlErrorBarIncludeNone No error bar range.
xlErrorBarIncludePlusValues Only positive error range.

Type (XlErrorBarType) - The error bar type.

Possible values are

xlErrorBarTypeCustom Range is set by fixed values or cell values.
xlErrorBarTypeFixedValue Fixed-length error bars.
xlErrorBarTypePercent Percentage of range to be covered by the error bars.
xlErrorBarTypeStDev Shows range for specified number of standard deviations.
xlErrorBarTypeStError Shows standard error range.

Optional arguments

The following arguments are optional

Amount (XlErrorBarType) - The error amount. Used for only the positive error amount when Type is xlErrorBarTypeCustom.

Possible values are

xlErrorBarTypeCustom Range is set by fixed values or cell values.
xlErrorBarTypeFixedValue Fixed-length error bars.
xlErrorBarTypePercent Percentage of range to be covered by the error bars.
xlErrorBarTypeStDev Shows range for specified number of standard deviations.
xlErrorBarTypeStError Shows standard error range.

MinusValues (XlErrorBarType) - The negative error amount when Type is xlErrorBarTypeCustom.

Possible values are

xlErrorBarTypeCustom Range is set by fixed values or cell values.
xlErrorBarTypeFixedValue Fixed-length error bars.
xlErrorBarTypePercent Percentage of range to be covered by the error bars.
xlErrorBarTypeStDev Shows range for specified number of standard deviations.
xlErrorBarTypeStError Shows standard error range.