Class PlotArea (Excel VBA)

The class PlotArea represents the plot area of a chart.

Class Chart gives access to class PlotArea.

Dim paa as PlotArea
Set paa = ActiveChart.PlotArea


ClearFormats - Clears the formatting of the object.

Select - Selects the object.


Format returns the ChartFormat object.

Height returns or sets a Double value that represents the height, in points, of the object.

InsideHeight returns the inside height of the plot area, in points.

InsideLeft returns the distance from the chart edge to the inside left edge of the plot area, in points.

InsideTop returns the distance from the chart edge to the inside top edge of the plot area, in points.

InsideWidth returns the inside width of the plot area, in points.

Left returns or sets a Double value that represents the distance, in points, from the left edge of the object to the left edge of column A (on a worksheet) or the left edge of the chart area (on a chart).

Name returns a String value that represents the name of the object.

Position returns or sets the position of the plot area on the chart.

Top returns or sets a Double value that represents the distance, in points, from the top edge of the object to the top of row 1 (on a worksheet) or the top of the chart area (on a chart).

Width returns or sets a Double value that represents the width, in points, of the object.

ChartFormat - Provides access to the Office Art formatting for chart elements.