Range.TCSCConverter (Word)

Converts the specified range from Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese or vice versa.

TCSCConverter (WdTCSCConverterDirection, CommonTerms, UseVariants)

Selection.Range.TCSCConverter _ 
 wdTCSCConverterDirectionSCTC, True, True


Optional arguments

The following arguments are optional

WdTCSCConverterDirection (WdTCSCConverterDirection) - Specifies the direction in which text is converted. If omitted, the default value is wdTCSCConverterDirectionAuto, which converts in the appropriate direction based on the detected language of the specified range.

Possible return values are wdTCSCConverterDirectionAuto - Convert in the appropriate direction based on the detected language of the specified range, wdTCSCConverterDirectionSCTC - Convert from Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese, wdTCSCConverterDirectionTCSC - Convert from Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese.

CommonTerms - Boolean

UseVariants (Boolean) - True if Word uses Taiwan, Hong Kong SAR, and Macao SAR character variants. Can only be used if translating from Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese.