Class OMath (Word VBA)

The class OMath represents an equation. OMath objects are members of the OMaths collection.

The classes OMathAcc, OMathBar, OMathBorderBox, OMathBox, OMathFrac, OMathFunc, OMathFunction, OMathGroupChar, OMathLimLow, OMathLimUpp, OMathMat, OMathNary, OMathPhantom, OMathRad ... give access to class OMathOMathScrPre, OMathScrSub, OMathScrSubSup, OMathScrSup.

For Each

Here is an example of processing the OMath items in a collection.

Dim omd As OMathDelim: Set omd = 
Dim omhE As OMath
For Each omhE In omd.E
	With omhE
	End With
Next omhE


BuildUp - Converts an equation to professional format.

ConvertToLiteralText - Converts an equation to literal text.

ConvertToMathText - Converts an equation to math text.

ConvertToNormalText - Converts an equation to normal text.

Linearize - Converts an equation to linear format.

Remove - Removes an equation from the collection of equations in a document, range, or selection.


AlignPoint returns or sets a Long that represents the character position of the alignment point in the equation.

ArgIndex returns a Long that represents the argument index of this component relative to the containing math object.

ArgSize returns or sets a Long that represents the script size of an argument, for example, text, script, or script-script.

Breaks returns an OMathBreaks collection that represents the line breaks in an equation.

Functions returns an OMathFunctions collection that represents the functions contained within an equation.

Justification returns or sets a WdOMathJc that represents the justification for an equation.

NestingLevel returns a Long that represents the nesting level for an OMath object.

ParentArg returns an OMath object that represents the parent, or containing, argument.

ParentCol returns an OMathMatCol object that represents the parent column in a matrix.

ParentFunction returns an OMathFunction object that represents the parent, or containing, function.

ParentOMath returns an OMath object that represents the parent element.

ParentRow returns an OMathMatRow object that represents the parent row in a matrix.

Range returns a Range object that represents the portion of a document that is contained in the specified object.

Type returns or sets a WdOMathType constant that represents whether an equation is displayed inline with the text around it or displayed on its own line.

OMathBreaks - Represents a collection of OMathBreak objects that represent all the line breaks in an equation.

OMathFunction - Represents a mathematical function or structure that Microsoft Word supports, such as fractions, integrals, sums, and radicals. The OMathFunction object is a member of the OMathFunctions collection.

OMathFunctions - Represents a collection of functions or structures that Microsoft Word supports, such as fractions, integrals, sums, and radicals.

OMathMatCol - Represents a matrix column. The OMathMatCol is a member of the OMathMatCols collection.

OMathMatRow - Represents a matrix row. The OMathMatRow is a member of the OMathMatRows collection.

Range - Represents a contiguous area in a document. Each Range object is defined by a starting and ending character position.