Class DocumentWindow (PowerPoint VBA)

The class DocumentWindow represents a document window. The DocumentWindow object is a member of the DocumentWindows collection. The DocumentWindows collection contains all the open document windows.

The classes Application and Presentation. give access to class DocumentWindow

Dim dww as DocumentWindow
Set dww = ActiveWindow


Activate - Activates the specified object.

Close - Closes the specified document window.

ExpandSection - Expands the section in the current DocumentWindow.

FitToPage - Adjusts the size of the specified document window to accommodate the information that's currently displayed.

IsSectionExpanded - Indicates whether the selected section is expanded in the DocumentWindow.

LargeScroll - Scrolls through the specified document window by pages.

NewWindow - Opens a new window that contains the same document that is displayed in the specified window. Returns a DocumentWindow object that represents the new window.

PointsToScreenPixelsX - Converts a horizontal measurement from points to pixels. Used to return a horizontal screen location for a text frame or shape. Returns the converted measurement as a Single.

PointsToScreenPixelsY - Converts a vertical measurement from points to pixels. Used to return a vertical screen location for a text frame or shape. Returns the converted measurement as a Single.

RangeFromPoint - Returns the Shape shape that is located at the point specified by the screen position coordinate pair. If no shape is located at the coordinate pair specified, then the method returns Nothing.

ScrollIntoView - Scrolls the document window so that items within a specified rectangular area are displayed in the document window or pane.

ShowInsertAppDialog - expression. ShowInsertAppDialog_(Filter) _

SmallScroll - Scrolls through the specified document window by lines and columns.


Caption (Default member) - Returns the text that appears in the title bar of the document window.

Active returns whether the specified pane or window is active.

ActivePane returns a Pane object that represents the active pane in the document window.

BlackAndWhite determines whether the document window display is black and white.

Height returns or sets the height of the specified object, in points.

Left returns or sets a Single that represents the distance in points from the left edge of the document, application, and slide show windows to the left edge of the application window's client area. Setting this property to a very large positive or negative value may position the window completely off the desktop.

Panes returns a Panes collection that represents the panes in the document window.

Presentation returns a Presentation object that represents the presentation in which the specified document window or slide show window was created.

Selection returns a Selection object that represents the selection in the specified document window.

SplitHorizontal returns or sets the percentage of the document window width that the outline pane occupies in normal view. Corresponds to the pane divider position between the slide and outline panes.

SplitVertical returns or sets the percentage of the document window height that the slide pane occupies in normal view. Corresponds to the pane divider position between the slide and notes panes.

Top returns or sets a Single that represents the distance in points from the top edge of the document, application, and slide show window to the top edge of the application window's client area.

View returns a View object that represents the view in the specified document window.

ViewType returns or sets the type of the view contained in the specified document window.

Width returns or sets the width of the specified object, in points.

WindowState returns or sets the state of the specified window.

Pane - An object representing one of the three panes in normal view or the single pane of any other view in the document window.

Panes - A collection of Pane objects that represent the slide, outline, and notes panes in the document window for normal view, or the single pane of any other view in the document window.

Presentation - Represents a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.

Selection - Represents the selection in the specified document window. The Selection object is deleted whenever you change slides in an active slide view (the Type property will return ppSelectionNone).

Shape - Represents an object in the drawing layer, such as an AutoShape, freeform, OLE object, or picture.

View - Represents the current editing view in the specified document window.