Class Application (PowerPoint VBA)

The class Application represents the entire Microsoft PowerPoint application.


Activate - Activates the specified object.

Help - Displays a Help topic.

OpenThemeFile - Opens the specified theme file (*thmx).

Quit - Quits Microsoft PowerPoint. This is equivalent to clicking the Office button and then clicking Exit PowerPoint.

Run - Runs a Visual Basic procedure.

StartNewUndoEntry - Starts a new undo entry in the Application object.


Name (Default member) - Returns the string "Microsoft PowerPoint.

Active returns whether the specified pane or window is active.

ActiveEncryptionSession represents the encryption session associated with the active presentation.

ActivePresentation returns a Presentation object that represents the presentation open in the active window.

ActivePrinter returns the name of the active printer.

ActiveProtectedViewWindow returns a ProtectedViewWindow object that represents the active Protected View window (the window on top).

ActiveWindow returns a DocumentWindow object that represents the active document window.

AddIns returns the program-specific AddIns collection that represents all the add-ins listed in the Add-Ins dialog box (click the Office button, click PowerPoint Options, click Add-Ins, click PowerPoint Add-Ins on the Manage list).

Assistance gets a reference to the Microsoft Office IAssistance object, which provides a means for developers to create a customized help experience for users within Microsoft Office.

AutoCorrect returns an AutoCorrect object that represents the AutoCorrect functionality in Microsoft PowerPoint.

AutomationSecurity represents the security mode that Microsoft PowerPoint uses when it opens files programmatically.

Build returns the build number for the current instance of Microsoft PowerPoint.

Caption returns the text that appears in the title bar of the application window.

ChartDataPointTrack returns or sets a Boolean that specifies whether charts use cell-reference data-point tracking.

COMAddIns returns a reference to the Component Object Model (COM) add-ins currently loaded in Microsoft PowerPoint. These add-ins are listed on the Add-Ins tab in the PowerPoint Options dialog box.

CommandBars returns a CommandBars collection that represents all the command bars in Microsoft PowerPoint.

DisplayAlerts sets or returns whether Microsoft PowerPoint displays alerts while running a macro.

DisplayDocumentInformationPanel returns or sets whether the Document Properties panel is displayed in the Microsoft PowerPoint user interface.

DisplayGridLines determines whether to display gridlines in Microsoft PowerPoint.

DisplayGuides gets or sets whether drawing guides are displayed in the application.

FeatureInstall returns or sets how Microsoft PowerPoint handles calls to methods and properties that require features not yet installed.

FileConverters returns information about installed file converters. Returns null if there are no converters installed.

FileDialog returns a FileDialog object that represents a single instance of a file dialog box.

FileValidation returns or sets a value that indicates how PowerPoint will validate files before opening them. Read/write

Height returns or sets the height of the specified object, in points.

IsSandboxed returns True if the specified presentation is open in a Protected View window.

LanguageSettings returns a LanguageSettings object that contains information about the language settings in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Left returns or sets a Single that represents the distance in points from the left edge of the document, application, and slide show windows to the left edge of the application window's client area. Setting this property to a very large positive or negative value may position the window completely off the desktop.


OperatingSystem returns the name of the operating system.

Options returns an Options object that represents application options in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Path returns a String that represents the path to the specified Application object.

Presentations returns a Presentations collection that represents all open presentations.

ProductCode returns the Microsoft PowerPoint globally unique identifier (GUID).

ProtectedViewWindows returns a ProtectedViewWindows collection that represents all the Protected View windows that are open in the application. Read-only


ShowStartupDialog determines whether to display the New Presentation task pane when Microsoft PowerPoint is started.

ShowWindowsInTaskbar determines whether there is a separate Windows taskbar button for each open presentation.

SlideShowWindows returns a SlideShowWindows collection that represents all open slide show windows.

SmartArtColors returns the SmartArt colors of the current Application object.

SmartArtLayouts returns the SmartArt layout of the current Application object.

SmartArtQuickStyles returns the quick styles of the SmartArt diagram in the current Application object.

Top returns or sets a Single that represents the distance in points from the top edge of the document, application, and slide show window to the top edge of the application window's client area.

VBE returns a VBE object that represents the Visual Basic Editor.

Version returns the Microsoft PowerPoint version number.

Visible returns or sets the visibility of the specified object or the formatting applied to the specified object.

Width returns or sets the width of the specified object, in points.

Windows returns a DocumentWindows collection that represents all open document windows.

WindowState returns or sets the state of the specified window.

AddIns - A collection of AddIn objects that represent all the Microsoft PowerPoint-specific add-ins available to PowerPoint, regardless of whether or not they are loaded. This does not include Component Object Model (COM) add-ins.

AutoCorrect - Represents the AutoCorrect functionality in Microsoft PowerPoint.

DocumentWindow - Represents a document window. The DocumentWindow object is a member of the DocumentWindows collection. The DocumentWindows collection contains all the open document windows.

DocumentWindows - A collection of all the DocumentWindow objects that are currently open in Microsoft PowerPoint. This collection doesn't include open slide show windows, which are included in the SlideShowWindows collection.

FileConverters - A collection of FileConverter objects that represent all the file converters available for opening and saving files.

Options - Represents application options in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Presentation - Represents a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.

Presentations - A collection of all the Presentation objects in Microsoft PowerPoint. Each Presentation object represents a presentation that's currently open in PowerPoint.

ProtectedViewWindow - Represents a presentation window that is in protected view.

ProtectedViewWindows - Represents a collection of ProtectedViewWindow objects.

SlideShowWindows - A collection of all the SlideShowWindow objects that represent the open slide shows in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Theme - Represents a theme (a collection of colors, fonts, and effects).